The Kentucky Republican has served more than 40 years in the chamber, and became one of the most consequential and divisive legislators in recent history.
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History will decide if he’s the man most responsible for destroying the republic (he’s at least in the top 3), but regardless of where you rank him, this MFer can eat shit
BYE B*TCH! YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED!! YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THE SEASON OF OUR COUNTRY’s DEMISE!! Your greed & self serving decisions have changed our Country’s history forever, even if we survive this. The millionaire Mitt Romney kept his oath of office, but u were too weak. You are a disgrace! BYE!
The single most destructive and destabilising congressional leader in the history of this country. Directly caused the constitutional crisis we find ourselves in today
He’s not too old for a good tarring feathering and a one way ticket out o. A rail! I don’t give a fuck if he doesn’t know what his name is or where he hid the coke. Take names! No quarter once this madness is ended
Dear NPR,
If journalistic outposts had made a bigger deal of Mitch McConnell denying President Obama the right to APPOINT A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE- WE WOULDN'T BE HERE TODAY.
Probably did some good things. Definitely did some super bad shit. Will be noted in history as the Senator who failed to stop the rise of fascism in the US.
He's not going to stick around to Lord over the ashes of the democracy he helped destroy??? Wow. #Maganomics and #Evilgelicans are destroying America. Let's fight to stop that!!!
His decision is akin to the captain leaping off the sinking ship. His leadership supported this political coup. I hope he is taunted and subjected to verbal abuse of all kinds everywhere he goes. I guess the Cracker Barrel supper will be harrowing.
Speaking of which, what the hell is SCOTUS doing while our country is being literally highjacked? They’re really on board with all of this? So I’ll do some searching on the latest news on these cultists
McConnell should be forever known as the man who destroyed the separation of powers that underpins American democracy, rendering both the judicial and legislative branches subservient bodies to to the executive branch, ie monarchy.
Thanks for absolutely nothing, you cowardly traitor. History will not look upon you kindly, Moscow Mitch. You sold us all out, including yourself. Now look at you, a feeble old man of no consequence. What did all that power and influence get you in the end?
Fucker is 83! As much as people bitch about old people being in office, they sure as hell keep electing them. Americans elected a 78 year old orange dumb ass.
If there’s one thing this election cycle has taught me, even my cynical views underestimated how stupid the average voter is. America was a fun little 250-year experiment.
good, he's a self-serving monster. as I read in a biographical article about him, from an early age he always wanted to "be someone but not do anything." well he certainly did something irreparable to this country.
Good! I hope his final days are filled with nothing but intense pain and anguish for the horrors he has helped to unleash on this country. He should have his own ring of hell to sit in for eternity while his soul endures immeasurable suffering.
Ever. He is responsible for the now inevitable destruction of post-WWII America. America will be a completely different country because of this absolute sack of shit.
He’s already helped kill millions of people around the world and in our own country. I can’t believe people were stupid enough to keep voting for him. Then, I realize it’s the state of Kentucky where 12 year-olds are married off to decrepit, old men.
Good riddance. He’s a large reason why we’re at where we are in this country. Dude deserves to be jailed in solitary rot the rest of what short life he has left
He is solely responsible for the position that we are all in now. He could have made Trump a criminal and ineligible for reelection and utterly failed the American people.
He definitely didn't act alone but he was a major wielder of power in enacting it and constructing this. He and the Heritage Foundation are the authors of this "bloodless" (for them) coup.
I disagree, there were many players including some in the Democratic Party through their complacency and failure to prioritize the American people. However, he definitely had a large part in the destruction of our democracy.
I will celebrate his way overdue retirement. He is a big reason our country is currently being destroyed by fascists. He also contributed to the fall of abortion rights and so much more. May he burn in hell.
Good riddance to one of the most obstructive asses ever. Mr. Change the Rules when it's convenient, an architect of the Trump nightmare we now have to endure.
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., plans to announce Thursday he will not seek reelection next year, according to reports. It puts an end to his decades-long career during which he became the longest-serving Senate party leader in history.
Why not?
He achieved his dream-a totally in power and authoritarian GOP regime of misgynists, racists, rapists, russian shills, christian supremicists, and straight up nazis.
I personally can not wait to see this career come to an end. A few principled votes at the end - when he literally had nothing to lose - does not make up for his utter disregard of the nation's prosperity for political gain and "winning at any cost." Retire in disgrace, McConnell!
Overdue. He helped create the current crisis, now he'll have his fat federal retirement while thousands of others are losing their jobs. He sickens me.
He welcomed fascism, misinformation, identity politics, racism, bigotry, and tribalistic nonsense through the front door of the senate and offered them a seat and a warm drink.
FUCK HIM. I'll celebrate his demise, as one should any other scourge on society.
Absolutely!! He’s disgusting. HE IS THE REASON we are suffering through this moment of horror and disgrace. And our Country’s history will always reflect this fact. BYE B*TCH! Hope the door hits ya where the good lord split ya!!!🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾💯💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Years too late.
He is responsible for ALL of this. This is his legacy. He is the US equivalent to Hindenburg.
May his name in the history books only mentioned in infamy. I hope he knows that.
And why not? How much more damage could he do? Look at where we are because of his bad faith, blatantly partisan moves to destroy democratic norms no matter the cost to the country, all for temporary power.
A few interviews don't change the fact that he is a founding architect of the Trump era.
Maybe add that to your headline.
If journalistic outposts had made a bigger deal of Mitch McConnell denying President Obama the right to APPOINT A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE- WE WOULDN'T BE HERE TODAY.
Call him Kingmaker Mitch, Destroyer of Democracy.
Really bad legacy he created for himself.
May he suffer a long and painful death lying on top of his heaps of ill-begotten loot from us.
He ended up destroying the US as Moscow Mitch the Kingmaker.
He achieved his dream-a totally in power and authoritarian GOP regime of misgynists, racists, rapists, russian shills, christian supremicists, and straight up nazis.
FUCK HIM. I'll celebrate his demise, as one should any other scourge on society.
He is responsible for ALL of this. This is his legacy. He is the US equivalent to Hindenburg.
May his name in the history books only mentioned in infamy. I hope he knows that.
A few interviews don't change the fact that he is a founding architect of the Trump era.