Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean Murphy resigned from the Department of Justice, telling NPR, 'It just was not a Department of Justice that I any longer wanted to associate with.'"
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um, we have never had a dept of "justice", it's always been a legal system which protects and uplifts yt cis het wealthy men. seems to me if we actually had a dept of justice, none of this shit would be happening
This. All of this.
The DOJ stopped the prosecution of the Sacklers - among so many many other shitty things.
I still have a hard time with the FBI saying they just had no idea Jan 6 was going down.
It's actually not a difficult decision...all senior DOJ prosecutors who know how things work there should resign and leave the untrained on their own to flail and fail.
Bondi should never be graced with credible staff to work with. The DOJ will publicly implode without the pros on staff
If we do not all fight we will wake up and the US will be the most evil dictatorship to have ever existed. Give them enough time and repugnant Republicans will repeat the holocaust.
This is what a hero looks like.
On the other side, there is Lisa Murkowski admitting that she’s worried about protecting her job more than her constituents or the country .
OK, going where I don't usually go. Let's say a certain person had a stroke & was incapacitated & couldn't talk but COULD SEE & HEAR. He should be tended to by a large, black, lesbian nurse with cold hands. Sorry for the nurse.😞
Justice for a racist. He can't talk, what a concept!
I still am yet to understand why these people in positions to actually resist change are simply giving up. They are going to be replaced with someone more loyal or ideologically aligned anyway. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" (Giving up is also nothing)
…well, at least he gets to keep his pension and retirement benefits this way. The rest of us are gonna be breathing tear gas and dodging ’non-lethal’ bullets aimed at our eye-sockets this Summer. But you have fun, ex lawman.
"I mean, it was just so crazy to me that the attorney general of the United States would be writing a memo about the dangers of paper straws," Murphy said.
If ever all patriots need to stand their posts it’s clearly now. Our ethics are needed now more than ever. I know it’s easy to say and much harder to do. But if not us ..who?
Mass resignations leave the DOJ very understaffed (especially of senior lawyers like these who know what they’re doing) which makes them look incredibly stupid in front of judges. Right now we need the DOJ to fail at what they are doing. And they are.
Many people have decided to stay until they're dragged out. Neither decision is easy. It is very easy to tell other people to put their lives and livelihoods at risk.
it’s even easier to scold people who do stick their necks out as simply saying things and not intently reminding people that they absolutely can live up to and commit to the values they claim to hold
Easier said than done. It’s really hard to do meaningful and ethic work when everyone around you and your bosses have a total different agenda and no morals.
yeah i’m speaking from direct experience that you do it anyway. it’s called monkeywrenching and you just have to embrace the possibility they’ll can you for it.
I am sorry for YOUR needy needs, but please find the same respect for Sean Murphy. You do not have to live his life, HE does. Are you willing to have him telling you, how to live YOUR life? Now back the eff off, you never get to decide for others, that is pathetically selfish. Grow up!
Sometimes quitting also means "We own the rest of the prosecutors and the judges, and we can take your pension and throw you in solitary, like we did with Michael Cohen."
Cohen wasn't a federal prosecutor, he was a private citizen and known liar. We have Congressmen doing the same bullshit. By quitting they are giving up a position of leverage
Literally the only leverage DOJ prosecutors have is mass resignations in protest. And they've already done that once. Unless he can get at least six co-workers to join him, to make the front page, he's out.
I can't believe these moron fascists can actually find time for this nonsense, when they've judges to impeach, there's still some government left to destroy, and they've barely even begun the promised mass deportings! kinda makes me wonder just how efficient Hitler's regime was.
I’m dismayed at the comments sniping at the prosecutor’s decision to resign. It’s easy to be an armchair critic when one does not take into consideration the agonizing deliberation that would lead to such an action. If ethical performance is discouraged or prohibited, then it’s time to go.
Well said, Glenn. These prosecutors take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Sure, they can stay and fight back but, the minute they are asked to violate their oath and refuse, they will be fired anyway. They are facing gut-wrenching choices. 😩
Good for him they turned down a case for a CEO that ran 33 hospitals in 7 states into the ground stole billions and stole the insurance money filed bankruptcy then contractors him to sit down he said no doj won’t charge him a 12 wrongful death cases and 500 malpractice cases were not allowed justice
Sorry it’s congress sometimes I type so fast I don’t see all the words it corrects because I’m in mid thought I speak with passion,anger and frustration but I don’t do violence I’ve been saying trump wants to do this do you need more proof repost please
Even from principles, you couldn't stay because of the corruption. Remember, eventually they will be held accountable and if you stay, that is risky. IMHO
Now they should go volunteer for ACLU or another group fighting the terrorists in the Whitehouse. The executive branch should be completely separate from the DOJ. The president should not be appointing the head of the DOJ or supreme Court judges. These are the checks and balances of the president.
What’s unfortunate is if all the people with any MORALITY leave the Justice Department we’re left with a bunch of TRUMP sycophants. That’s not going to be good for our Country.
I disagree. When competent career people leave, all that's left is the incompetent sycophants - all they do is make themselves and their leader look bad.
If it was just .. just some issue of paper passing then I’d tend to agree..
What we’re dealing with is already present - unlawful detainment & no due process but people’s rights & lives are at real risk .. some perhaps already assaulted or dead in El Salvador.
These resignations of good people work for Trump so they will be replaced with loyalists. Can a massive wave of U.S. citizens demand the judicial system impeach Trump or at the very least follow the constitution. Such as, an insurrectionist like Trump should not hold any office
Disgusting.. pardoning criminals who tried to rip democracy, desacrated capitol & tried to harm the speaker of the house, including a VP? Today’s USA government is a complete joke & under construction of a fascist regime,what more is needed to impeach a bad president?.
Read the signs.
Project 2026.
True-blue red-blooded American patriots step up & remove Trump from office by any means necessary.
When Americans find their courage and freedom, we have a plan.
Not to solve a crime
It’s this confrontational relationship that is the problem.
Then it comes down to how lucky or wealthy or connected a person is -
trump is the poster child re playing the system.
Paying fines w zero admission of fault- FAIL
The DOJ stopped the prosecution of the Sacklers - among so many many other shitty things.
I still have a hard time with the FBI saying they just had no idea Jan 6 was going down.
Bondi should never be graced with credible staff to work with. The DOJ will publicly implode without the pros on staff
WE THE PEOPLE need someone to stay inside & fight these b*stards for us!!!
Criminal Trump is attempting to end our democracy by forcing judges to rule on his favor.
SCOTUS owns this monster
On the other side, there is Lisa Murkowski admitting that she’s worried about protecting her job more than her constituents or the country .
Justice for a racist. He can't talk, what a concept!
DOJ is so corrupt good prosecutors are distancing themselves from the criminal organization!
I wish I was kidding
How much revenge can be waged when the laws can't be recognized or enforced?
No doubt there's a crop of FedSoc-affiliated lawyers champing at the bit to fill these vacancies and work their way into the Inner Circle.
Like an SS but for lawfare.
Outright criminals have taken over our legal system, and every one deserves a blindfold and US Army firing squad.
trained all his adult working life for this moment
then bailed
Is this the one for you?
Call Senators not just your own.
Join a protest.
Circle the block at a protest and lay on your horn.
Write to senators and committee members.
No spending on March 31st.
This cult isn't going anywhere until we reach a stage where mass political demonstrations and/or political violence reaches a tipping point.
The good people should get out now, or risk being complicit.
What we’re dealing with is already present - unlawful detainment & no due process but people’s rights & lives are at real risk .. some perhaps already assaulted or dead in El Salvador.
DC cops turned into goon squads ..
John F. Kennedy
Project 2026.
True-blue red-blooded American patriots step up & remove Trump from office by any means necessary.
When Americans find their courage and freedom, we have a plan.