President Trump says he's thinking of getting rid of the country's disaster response agency, FEMA. States say they can't replicate what FEMA does on their own.
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Looking at Tornado alley states, all southern states and other states hit by hurricanes, tornadoes, floods etc that are red states Republican led. You ok with this???
At what point will “Republicans” in Congress wake up to the fact that their cult-worship of Trump is resulting in THEM being his sacrifice to his fascistic ambitions? They’ve already abdicated their role as a co-equal branch of government.
If Trump does this and Congress lets him get away with it, I guarantee you 100% that come this tornado season, you will absolutely see Trump voters screaming for help that FEMA used to provide but will never come.
I am ok with this for a short while, just long enough for red states to understand Trump cut fema, which is why some impacted by natural disasters will not receive funding to help them rebuild. Red states have to learn this first prior to any funding being given.
States don't have the budgets to handle Nationwide disasters.
This is the Biggest problem with business people running Gov't. They have their own self inters & think the Gov't should make a profit. NO, the purpose of Gov't is to Serve #WeThePeople!
#ImpeachTheGOP everywhere.
People think if he runs the gov't like a business, we will all profit and get rich. They should compare their paychecks to their CEOs' compensation packages to get a dose of reality. I think a lot of maga voted for him under this misconception.
If the US fed keeps cutting services to states, shouldn’t the states cut some of the fed tax revenue it collects in response. Treat it like retaliatory tariffs.
Without FEMA you might as well abandon any region too poor to have a state led disaster response AND anywhere that gets hit regularly with disasters. It's kind of funny that the biggest overlap of the two are red southern states.
This not just you that will be affected , but every American in every state. People are just frustrated with red states, especially the south and plains. Because these people should have known this was coming, but voted for Trump anyway
Trump is going to simplify the Federal disaster aid rules to his liking. Sorry, California fire victims, you're now out! Maybe you should stop paying your federal taxes for a while?🤔
You should have left decades ago. None of these red state problems are new or unforseen. When people say "I can't leave" what they really mean is they won't do what it takes to escape. You have caused this.
Speaking as a UK outsider, can I just say that that is the tone of an entitled prick.
You could use the same argument to say "Why are you still in the States?". The alternative is to stay and fight for a) your community and b) to help those who need support and escape routes more than you do.
Wow can you please give me a source that confirms that every single person in America can afford to leave their homes, families, and jobs and just up and move states? That's amazing, I didn't know we were collectively in such great financial shape.
Blue states feel badly for the blue dots in red states but things have gone too far. At this point we're happy to have you here with us but we can't do much to support you while your'e still in the red state.
So he wants us to pay taxes to support his golfing trips and his grifting family and buddies, while we get no services for the federal taxes we pay? Fuck that.
Iowa is already suggesting people just open up a disaster aid savings account. 🤣🤣🤣 this is a clownturd of a country now. There’s “3rd world shithole” countries and right bellow that, is the US. A 4th world clownturd country.
If everything is being left to the states to handle, why the fuck are we still in a union? Isn’t the purpose of the UNITED states that we all work together to care for each other?
We’re a Union of states with a Federal Government that’s supposed to inclusively & equitably help meet the unique needs of the Union & our nation’s diverse citizens simply by virtue of them being part of that Union.
It’s almost as if the ethos & values of our Republic could be described as DEI.
And you know this will mostly affect those areas hit by hurricanes, tornadoes and floods most. You know, the red states. With climate change being totally ignored by this administration, it's not surprising to see their leaders screw them once again.
Blue states need to start setting up multi-state compacts for many things, including emergency funding, defense and social programs.
The US is being ripped apart by Trump/Putin, and blue states need to be prepared to fend for themselves while defending themselves from rogue red state militias.
We can't be in denial out of fear.
Everyone who is paying attention can see where this is headed, failing to prepare would be a dereliction of duty for our elected representatives.
Ok! Red states in the Deep South are no more capable of dealing with disasters than they are of handling the needs of public education. Just ask Mississippi! (Last graphic I saw Mississippi collected the most federal funds for education). Guess who these states voted for?
They're abolishing healthcare, education, agriculture, and any measure that supports and protects citizens. We're meant to turn on one another, be defenseless, suffer, die.
THIS is what Red States voted for. They SHOULD have believed OTHERS when they told them about Project 2025. It's right in there, along with the other things he is doing.
They don’t care. The GOP gave up on America. They give it lip service, but don’t really care, nor do them seem to understand how everything worked to make America America.
I can already see all the magats in my state crying foul about getting rid of FEMA. We live in the gulf coast area, so between hurricanes and tropical storms, many of the Rs who voted for the felon have heavily relied on disaster assistance.
Despite its inclusion in Project 2025, the flood insurance program is something that we actually need to deal with. We shouldn’t subsidizing building (or rebuilding) in flood zones.
There are plenty of housing types that cope with floods, and secondly, to take your point, New Orleans would not exist at all. I'm not suggesting creating new New Orleans's, but rebuilding to cope with non-consistent flooding is a realistic goal.
We shouldn’t be building new or replacement residential buildings in areas that we clearly expect to flood (i.e. are within the 1% flood zone). After destructive floods in those areas, flood insurance should only offer buy outs and relocation assistance.
There are places that are culturally important and worthwhile to armor and defend, like New Orleans, but we have to be realistic about what and how much we can protect, and why we are doing it.
Our country is by no means “full”. We have plenty of areas where we can build housing that aren’t already known to be at high risk for natural disasters, and yes, we can build in ways that are more resilient to natural disasters.
Agree with rebuilding, reminds me of building wood stick houses in areas prone to tornados. Also overhead electrical on poles. A lot of other countries have underground systems, outages rare.
Red states are not going to be able to afford it. Without Democrat states funding, they will be hit with higher taxes in their respective states. Does MAGA really want “to each his own” instead of “united we stand”?
I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone. Every day is more disturbing than the last. Hope the maga clan is happy now and hope they're all effected by this insanity.
Hey-hey red states this is going to hurt you even more. YES these disasters happen in blue states too. Don’t get it twisted. But red states who are poor, you’ll feel this so fast. Is fema perfect-no, but you’ll sure feel it when gone.
Shifting the burden of paying for this, along with everything he’s returning to the states is going to bankrupt states. It’s one way to reduce the national debt to give $$$ to his billionaire buddies.
Red states will feel this worse and they voted for it so it's their own damn fault. Got no sympathy for those that voted for the orange fool but suck for those caught in the crossfire.
Hurricaine season is coming with National Weather System gutted, but Trump has a Sharpie.
Trump has already stopped & denied services from last year's devastation.
Wildfires burning thru Texas approaching Austin & San Antonio.
This will fragment states into power blocks likely around the largest economies. Texas and Florida in the south. New York in the northeast and California in the west. People will rightly question at that point why they are paying for a Federal government that won't help them in a crisis.
Is trump of sound mind or capable of comprehending simple information? He does not appear to be. All he has done since taking power is destroy our government services, our national reputation, our economy, our stock market. And Republicans continue to collaborate. Trump destroys everything.
Why should each state maintain a department of all the needed people for all the types of disasters that may or may not happen? Centralization and shared resources are better for some things.
Red states especially can't afford this as most of us know. Many can't move or rebuild and with other resources being cut like food, shelter thousands of people will die in the streets. I want to laugh at the magats in these states but in reality it's not funny for this to happen to anyone.
Whatʻs really stupid about this is that disasters arenʻt scheduled. And they donʻt happen every month/year in each state. So you are going to have state personnel who are trained up but often not used. Whereas FEMA can go wherever itʻs needed with trained people. Economy of scale.
When shit like this is done with virtually no input from Congress, bad things inevitably follow. #KristiNoem has no business thinking she can absorb all the responsibilities of #FEMA within the bureaucratic leviathan known as #DHS and do so without negative repercussions. She's a fool to think it.
Let’s just set this headline straight!! Trump doesn’t think shit! He is a not a thinker he’s a listener of bullshit and a trigger puller!! He listens for the worst idea ..ones that will break people and goes with it! Others are putting this shit in motion with the dictator in our WH!!
This is breaking Friday so, I give him up to maybe, I’ll say Wednesday for him to eliminate FEMA.
I guess they need the money to put out the fires at the Tesla dealerships. And then give all the relief money to the billionaire owner, who has been sobbing about one of his pet projects.
So, I have a few questions. Why have we heard little about the devastating recent tornados? How many Americans died? I don't know ... it hasn't been out front in the news. Did Trump visit affected areas? Did he throw storm victims paper towels? Has FEMA arrived?
This has its merits. We spend a lot of money rebuilding Houston's lowlands every time a tropical storm hits. Other states should not be paying for rebuilding properties in FL as seas rise.
That said, all of this is aimed at dividing red and blue states, encouraging more divisiveness.
Which state will be the first to withhold taxes from the Fed?
If it weren’t for those villainous scum (aka tech bro’s) in Silicon Valley, I’d imagine California and one of the world’s largest economies could swing it.
The practice of big states (usually blue) helping poorer states (usually red) has worked out well. But, since red states like Trump, let them raise state taxes to cover their disasters, which will be intensifying due to anthropogenic climate change that red states also don't believe in. Just saying.
This article doesn’t even address what would happen to individuals like me who have purchased private flood insurance backed by FEMA. Would our insurance become worthless?
I'm almost decided on not filing my taxes this year. Pretty sure I'd be getting money back if the government stays at all functional, but that's not the point.
Trump is dismantling our Republic. It may be time for individual states to determine how we want to move forward. Some might become stand alone countries while others will band together.
You know the cost will be astronomical to replicate this agency at all 50 states. That's the primary reason that so many services are at the federal level. Plus, I could see certain states ignoring the poor who will need the most help. No, keep FEMA "as is".
FEMA is the backbone of federal disaster response. It brings together federal, regional, state, and local organizations to best utilize resources, ensure efficient and effective interagency communication, and reduce redundancy in efforts. This is insane.
That’s what I’ve been saying too!! Do we get our money back then? I’m in a blue state, lots of money and very few natural disasters. That would be great for my state! But that money is going to billionaires instead of the programs we now have to fund ourselves!! Please explain why the GOP is allowing 47 to dismantle protections we all need, including republicans. Y'all act as if these disasters only hit blue states. Y'all also act as if you'll stay in office forever and not be affected by what he's doing. STOP HIM NOW!
This is the Biggest problem with business people running Gov't. They have their own self inters & think the Gov't should make a profit. NO, the purpose of Gov't is to Serve #WeThePeople!
#ImpeachTheGOP everywhere.
Worldwide famine & a worldwide pandemic is coming.
The government knows this. And they are ALL lying to everyone. They know what's really going on.
Wicked people will die until there aren't any left.
Those that remain SHINE w LIGHT & live forever.
Sorry you live there? 🤷♀️
You could use the same argument to say "Why are you still in the States?". The alternative is to stay and fight for a) your community and b) to help those who need support and escape routes more than you do.
I don't see the need to get defensive.
Just like I know Canadians haven't forgotten that the majority of Americans didn't vote for him.
But we also didn't stop him. We knew he was going to do this.
It’s almost as if the ethos & values of our Republic could be described as DEI.
The US is being ripped apart by Trump/Putin, and blue states need to be prepared to fend for themselves while defending themselves from rogue red state militias.
Everyone who is paying attention can see where this is headed, failing to prepare would be a dereliction of duty for our elected representatives.
I have a cousin who is a Trumper and the only thing that would change his mind is if his world goes up in smoke.
End FEMA it's time they had a reality check
You must spend all your time being sad.
They're abolishing healthcare, education, agriculture, and any measure that supports and protects citizens. We're meant to turn on one another, be defenseless, suffer, die.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
-Abraham Lincoln
The GOP's general disdain for federal government is ill-conceived and overdone.
We are, after all, the *United* States of America.
Not over half. Just under half.
Ayn Rand injected cerebrally.
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
They appear to be the enemy.
That's one thing he isn't doing. He does his Daddy Vladdy's bidding.
Trump has already stopped & denied services from last year's devastation.
Wildfires burning thru Texas approaching Austin & San Antonio.
Texas is a tax haven for billionaires.
For the rest of us:
A mandate from Putin to destroy from within.
SOn's OF Anarchy PIBBLE'SeX6x6x6uALL 2.0 SPIRITDEA/D.S.M. Pfizzer/Druther ANTI/X6x6x6ANA6x6x6Xenphophic'$.$.
WTF NOT "SISTER'S OF Anarchy?!!"
🖕🏼🍊🍕💩, the GOP, Musk, DOGE, the MAGAts, and all their vile minions!
I guess they need the money to put out the fires at the Tesla dealerships. And then give all the relief money to the billionaire owner, who has been sobbing about one of his pet projects.
Here’s an idea - how about covering the shortfall in disaster aid by tacking on to your already bloated homeowners insurances?
All that winning!
That said, all of this is aimed at dividing red and blue states, encouraging more divisiveness.
If it weren’t for those villainous scum (aka tech bro’s) in Silicon Valley, I’d imagine California and one of the world’s largest economies could swing it.
Without NOAA and FEMA it is going to be the perfect storm!
Most FEMA funds went to Red States.
If FEMA goes away, so will the funds.
Trump isn’t just destroying the US Federal government. He’s a destroying America.
And “Republicans” are cheering him all the way.
It’s insane.
HINT - none are RED states!! 🤣😂🤣
The crypto reserve
Doge pockets
Tesla contracts