2025 is finally going to be the year I take Europe's most legendary night train
Orient Express? No, too costly
Dacia? Done that
Beograd-Bar? Done that too
It's going to be the Optima Express! Edirne 🇹🇷 - Villach 🇦🇹 in June on #CrossBorderRail
And it's going to be *amazing*
2025 is finally going to be the year I take Europe's most legendary night train
Orient Express? No, too costly
Dacia? Done that
Beograd-Bar? Done that too
It's going to be the Optima Express! Edirne 🇹🇷 - Villach 🇦🇹 in June on #CrossBorderRail
And it's going to be *amazing*
And on Vagonweb https://www.vagonweb.cz/razeni/vlak.php?zeme=S%C5%BD&kategorie=MV&cislo=13154&nazev=Optima%20Express&rok=2024
It uses 6 different locomotives (of which 5 electric), has a dining car, and does 40km/h average. 35 hour trip.
Is the schedule published? I looked a few days ago and it was not. How much does it cost?