A new low bar for morally delinquent behaviour.
Americans need to do something.
He cares of noone but himself.
You are next.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #StandWithUkraine #DontBendAKneeToPutin Pathetic #ToddlerTrump
#TinyEgoDonny 😂🤏
Imagine having Ukrainians here. Sooo good. South Australia, somewhere in my neighborhood, I have space for a few.
Regional Australians would love some Ukrainian love too.
Thanks for your work Mick. You are pretty good.
I hope Canada will offer these Ukrainians sanctuary.
Do we have to continue to that point and beyond? Really?
I hate to say it, hes not, this is a done deal 2 hand ALL of Ukraine to russia! Hes throwing them under the bus!
get a capital criminal as president.
He´ll end up like Hitler.
But he´ll break lots of things on the way, just like Hitler.
me ' USA plans to end refugee status of 240,000 Ukrainians after deadly Russian missile kills 5 civilians continue '
It’s like he keeps pulling the nasty card out of the deck, and doubles down.
Kicking out refugees from a war is just despicable.