And with that, let us open the Weekend #AskEditor #AskPublisher #AskAuthor session.
If you have questions about #publishing or #writing, I will give you my thoughts from 37 years in the word biz.
Other tags I watch: #BookMarketing #WriteTip #PubTip #QueryTip
If you have questions about #publishing or #writing, I will give you my thoughts from 37 years in the word biz.
Other tags I watch: #BookMarketing #WriteTip #PubTip #QueryTip
Best bet, reserve right to offer a braille-rights subsidiary publishing contract, so both you and publisher can look for a braille publisher. Or start with a braille publisher, but they usually don’t do first rights.
#AskPublisher #pubtip
I use Lightning Source as my go-to printer. As to actually owning the equipment? I can only advise to watch for auctions and ask retailers who deal in used equipment, usually those of their new-equipment customers.
Like any industrial equipment.
“Write without pay until someone offers pay.”
#AskAuthor #WritingCommunity #WriteTip
Take on all types of freelance projects: advertising, white papers, investigative journalism, marketing, corporate newsletters, and fiction, long and short. Never turn down an assignment, unless time is not available.
#AskAuthor #WriteTip #WritingCommunity
Be a writer who writes well under tough deadlines. Famous triangle triangle by the ad writer David Ogilvy: Cheap Fast Good. You can have one or two but never all three. My corollary: if you are not fast and good, you get little money.
#AskAuthor #WritingCommunity
Note editor’s deadlines, usually around 25th in magazines. A few days before, ask if they have a need. When some writer drops the ball and doesn’t deliver, you rescue that editor; they then call you with assignments as reward.
#AskAuthor #WritingCommunity 3/>>>
Build your fanbase. Your primary task is to attract as many readers as possible, as fast as possible, at the lowest cost possible. Your fan base is your worth to a publisher. So write a lot of good stuff and get it to readers.
#AskAuthor #WritingCommunity 4/>>
I like Wattpad. It’s a free place to publish, encourages prolific writing, builds fanbase, who bring in more fans, encourages critical review of your work, and the fans easily follow from there to your commercial works. All winz!
#AskAuthor #WritingCommunity 5/fin
#AskAuthor #WriteTip #WritingCommunity
#AskAuthor #WritingCommunity
Thinkertoys by Michalko
Fiction Writer’s Brainstormer by Smith
#AskAuthor #writetip