It would be good for Australians if Paul Brereton, the head of the #NACC, bothered reading his own legislation.
That would be helpful and oooh I dunno, might be something the public expected from him in his ~$758,000 a year position
That would be helpful and oooh I dunno, might be something the public expected from him in his ~$758,000 a year position
Reposted from
Rick Morton
Brereton always defines corruption as typically being engaged in "for a private benefit" which is explicitly NOT what his own Act requires. They even have a clause saying: "Conduct involving a public official may be corrupt conduct even if the conduct is not for the person’s personal benefit."
clearly doesn't like being told that he has corrupted the process
I don’t think Albo realises how poorly this #NACC and Brereton’s performance reflects his own Govt’s performance.
Imagine if the Chief Commissioner of the NSW ICAC made a gaff like that.
The NACC has failed to address Australian Federal corruption.
Probably on purpose.
Probably Rupert.
It was one of his signature policies.
An effective and honest anti-corruption commission would have removed at least half of the LNP sitting members.
Yet … the duopoly only wants to maintain itself.
I can assure Albo, Dutton won’t give him the same courtesy.
Every time Brereton opens his mouth he seems to dig himself a little deeper.
Reminds me of the old saying about being better to keep mouth closed and be thought a fool...
Somehow I had expected better from a Judge!
Wrong NACC, wrong Commisioner!
It is not too late to change things and make a proper ICAC
We know what this says about Brereton's suitability.
It also goes to the suitability of Mark Dreyfus as Attorney General.
How long will he shove this cronyism down the throats of Australians?
And spend our tax dollars in this egregious way?
Coz at the moment it doesn’t seem they have one at all, and seem to be making it up on the fly.
Ticks are easier to remove than Brereton
Seriously, we have to start facing the real risks of ppl of advanced age in power
Might deliver a graceful bow-out for the proud & stubborn
He was a hire approved by Albanese and Dutton.
Anyone who has had any dealings with the military knows that incompetence is the rule of thumb and few people with real talent choose that career path.
And accountability as to why he ever got appointed in the first place.