The HECU failed at Black Mesa and failed during the Seven Hour war. This is why collaboration with the Combine is justified, and why we ALL should collaborate. We must all collaborate, willingly, eagerly!
dt would scorch the earth to get his way .... dt would scorch the earth if he doesn't get his way .... either way he is happy to bring the suffering and chaos because he confuses those with power !!!
How is this news? He made that perfectly clear when he said the John McCain was only called a hero because he got caught. That was how many years ago now?
On my car, SLC Utah. My husband is a 31 yr navy vet. He is completely disillusioned with our country now. We will be moving out of Utah to a blue state as a direct result of this election.
As a Retired Army Combat Medic Veteran, he is NOT my president. He has no clue what he is doing and he is a disgrace to our country, our values, our democracy and to our military. He is nothing but an ignorant slimy draft dodger. Do not watch the inauguration. Wear black or black armbands.
Pretty much all of his supporters just completely block it out of their minds, or say he was “joking”….just like every other time he’s said something completely demented
No one in his family served in the military, yet consider themselves an elite aristocracy. In contrast, even the royals in the UK serve their country through military service. Their patriotism seems more like a facade, hiding behind their lack of real sacrifice.
They forget their Military Oath (which doesn’t have an expiration date) to support and defend the CONSTITUTION of the US against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Trump is NOT about the Constitution. Trump is all about trump. Anything illegal or unconstitutional we should disobey those orders.
Delusional take, since he's NEVER had respect for the military, has called America "garbage," and did everything while he was in office to gut everything that ACTUALLY makes America great.
All he'll do, like last time, is to make us weaker and more vulnerable, as his master Putin decrees.
Trump signed into law the Veterans Choice Act. To remedy long waits at VA allow vets go out of network.
Simple improvement long sought.
Think vets be o.k.
But all need make sure.
We owe them!
Quite contrarian speculation with some contrarian thinking thrown in after observing him for at least 12 years seems naive to me, but whom am I? I base my thinking of nearly 50 years of experience observing the antics of Donald John Trump.
Did they? Call me a conspiracy buff, but I jumped down that rabbit hole when GOFOR was the only search engine available on the "internet", and clawed my way out, but that aside. Trump's biggest concern should be is who is the "Manchurian Candidate", the private American MKULTRA, in his entourage.
Tfg's grandfather was expelled from Germany for failing to meet his military obligations. Tfg got 5 deferments for fake bone spurs. Reportedly, he told his children that if they joined the military, he'd disown them. So, no, the tfg family has no respect for our military. None.
But according right wing radio, the army is now growing because of trump’s win. They are beside themselves, no more vaccinations, no more gays.
Now the United States will have armed red necks , trained by the government, running in the streets.
Good times ahead.
A veteran that voted for trumpie has disgraced his oath to protect this country . If he has his uniform he should burn and piss on it for real because that's what his vote did symbolically
To think, under Biden’s administration. The level of collusion is heartbreaking. Well… seeing no protesting taking place in NC is a strong indication that, those who voted democratic in this election have decided to concede instead of oppose. That’s a shame. We’re talking millions.
Why is it that domestic terrorists are getting ready to take over the United States government? Is there no way to stop this takeover. He will be releasing convicted insurrectionists to wage their domestic terror again!
Actually, it's quite common. Down here. Many democrats switch b/c they just can't go any higher in the state I. The Drm. Party. Frome e.g. was Richard Shelby in AL. John Kennedy in LA.
So trade pee for poop? lol MAGA is a joke and will have this last hoorah before falling into a void. So much infighting when things don't go their way. They are on a high, but it is already dissolving. Trump already admitted he can't lower our cost of living.
Just think 🤔 close borders, lower gas prices, more jobs,safer streets, stopping the inflation, taking care of our people instead of other countries. All sounds good 👍 to me. That is why the republicans won . Now you can have peace with this party! Come!
My estimate? Hard to say with any certainty, but of those who could vote but didn't, I'd assume most weren't interested in either option. As for those that were too young, I'd assume many are still too influenced by their parents to form their own opinion or are too young to care at all.
Unfortunately I'm of the mind that most of our Red Brethren think the only good Vet is a dead Vet, then they can praise all the amazing things they accomplished but not have to actually pay attention to them, or give them moneys... 😔
from January 1, 2016, through May 14, 2021, the Department of Defense spent $11,582,262.99 on psychotherapy for service members with gender dysphoria, suggesting a significant number of diagnoses. Is this why vets aren't getting help?
11.5 million over 5 years to treat active service members is fine. The US government can still provide care to both veterans and active duty without sacrificing one for the other.
‘They’???? I’m one of the veterans you are talking about and I did not vote for the turd and I do not deserve the shit that will come out of his administration. Please remember veterans aren’t always someone ‘other’!
Deflect much? Trump has made multiple derogatory statements about military service members. On. Record. The topic is Trump, yet you want to point fingers away from him. Why? Your comment regarding Kamala (with a capital K) is completely false. She's supported & and endorsed veteran initiatives.
I can't even look at the man. Listening to him speak is like fingernails on a blackboard. He believes those who served and died, are suckers and losers. Meanwhile his daddy paid the foot doctor to say he had a bad toe. Disgusting!
According exit polls on Election Day, 12% of the voters in this presidential election had served in the U.S. military and 65% of them said they voted for Donald Trump, while 34% said they voted for Kamala Harris.
Absolutely correct! Trump is a pathological lied who will say anything to get what he wants !
Look at all the fools who took it hook line and sinker !!!
Hopefully they will not follow his unlawful orders which will surely come. Unfortunately many, if not most are used to obeying orders and filling houses with .50 SLAP ammo without thinking too much about the civilians behind the clay walls.
I just don't understand why so many support him. Is it because Fox plays on all bases 24/7? Why is that? Why don't we put a stop to this obvious indoctrination?
South African draft dodger Elon Muck is shooting his mouth off on how he plans to use AI in the VA to deny claims. As a child of a Vietnam Veteran and Cold Warrior, I know that’s a promise broken. The evil SOB wasn’t elected by anybody or served and shouldn’t have a say in Veterans Affairs.
He doesn’t have true respect for anyone. He has admiration for people he wishes to emulate because he craves the attention they receive. A textbook narcissist
Trump's only interest in those who serve is being able to command them to turn on civilians in this country while he watches ghoulishly on TV and dines in our WH on steak and ketchup.
Yes! Famously, during the insurrection as he watched and did nothing. He's a ghoul. He likes violence he is to coward to participate in ... "and we will go to the capitol together"
The whole idea of this is clearly terrifying but now I won’t be able to stop imagining him sitting down with a bone in ribeye cooked to well done, smothered in Ketchup with a napkin tucked into his shirt as a bib.
What’s more horrifying is since he has won, I truly believe he is going to end term limits for presidency - therefore meaning he will try and remain as a dictator.
Yes That’s correct because it would be for future presidential elections but what I’m thinking is he’s going to do something to stay in office now and not leave - that’s why I told people this is the last time you will be voting.
Take solace in the fact that he's going on 79, is in very poor health, wears a $hit filled diaper, eats very poorly and seems to be in the middle state of dementia. This too shall pass and everyone H A T E S Vance.
Give it 6 months, after he's taken their medical and other benefits that they EARNED.
Now that he's been re-elected and can't run for a third term, he no longer has to pretend to care about the people who supported him ... they are of no further use to him.
Soon, we get to see what he REALLY thinks.
And so, they should not be bullied into serving him. He does not fund them, We The People do. They take an oath to protect our rights and The Constitution from a-holes like him. They cannot be used by him to beat us and bully us into submission.
He wasn't the first time around. On January 20, 2025, my American flag, which I have flown proudly for the last four years under my President Biden, will be removed from my flagpole. For the 2nd time.
He was the last kid picked to play games, the last one to get kissed, the last one to change his underwear, the first father-son KKK members, with a face not even a mother could love.
Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump, republicans in congress have no respect for our veterans and service members unless they can serve as campaign fodder.
Republicans filibustered 36 bills to help veterans and service members to oppose the half Black guy.
Oralè Resisters
The face of America
In Mexico.
Ambassador Kari Lake?
Ever feel like your head is going to fall off from all this shaking at his appointments?
This one a doozy!
Now that a majority of American voters decided to put Trump back in office, knowing everything about him we all know, I agree with him, I am a sucker and loser for serving my country.
I remember when I got out I supported Republicans it took a while to see the light, with that being said Veterans earned the right to be moronic so give them a little grace, but the ones who didn’t are willfully stupid and no grace.
- lol But like jk jk! Kamala is the evil one atchooally!!
- wow I love how he speaks his nonexistent mind 🤩
No one in his family served in the military, yet consider themselves an elite aristocracy. In contrast, even the royals in the UK serve their country through military service. Their patriotism seems more like a facade, hiding behind their lack of real sacrifice.
USAF veteran.
Fellow Medic.
Thank you for your service.🫡
Maybe because they see Trump loves his country as they do.
All he'll do, like last time, is to make us weaker and more vulnerable, as his master Putin decrees.
Debunked over and over.
And then over.
Simple improvement long sought.
Think vets be o.k.
But all need make sure.
We owe them!
Your lies don’t work here…🙄🙄
Has to do with access to out of VA networks if Vets have to wait too long services.
Now the United States will have armed red necks , trained by the government, running in the streets.
Good times ahead.
The left has the elite marksmen.
Homeowners defending their home and family.
Try it.
Didn’t want to be seen with wounded/disabled vets.
No service in 5 generations
Or, has $BILLIONS$ to support his traitorous @ss.
So for me, a report & block is in order.
So, neither do we.
He wants to cut their benefits. Yet,, they voted for him.
He called them sucker's and losers.
Yet,,they voted for him.
Then again, if they're FOX viewers, they'll find a way to blame this on the "libs".
In fact, the vast majority of the vets that I know, & that is quite a few, also voted for Trump, so...
According exit polls on Election Day, 12% of the voters in this presidential election had served in the U.S. military and 65% of them said they voted for Donald Trump, while 34% said they voted for Kamala Harris.
Look at all the fools who took it hook line and sinker !!!
Trump is no patriot.
To any who hold out hope
that the Democrats are going
to do something to stop the
carve up~
... bone spurs would be the least of his problems.
Now that he's been re-elected and can't run for a third term, he no longer has to pretend to care about the people who supported him ... they are of no further use to him.
Soon, we get to see what he REALLY thinks.
Or have you not heard of amendments.
He lacks basic critical thinking skills.
Cheeto has zero respect for anyone, anywhere, ever.
For him, it’s not a thing.
Republicans filibustered 36 bills to help veterans and service members to oppose the half Black guy.
The face of America
In Mexico.
Ambassador Kari Lake?
Ever feel like your head is going to fall off from all this shaking at his appointments?
This one a doozy!
You either don't know what the hell is going on or you love to see innocent people die especially if there is profit to be had in it.
But I can think of loads of people in uniform that serve the plutocrats to manufacture and prosecute wars of profit and murder though.
Americans are hated globally for their automatic support of such evil.