Badenoch’s bigotry is weirdly granular. A whole set of niche prejudices that I find hard to unravel. Just a very very odd person.
Reposted from
Badenoch defends blaming 'peasants' from 'sub-communities' for grooming gangs abuse
If this were a business, we're down to call centre team leads obsessed with who nicked the post-its being promoted to CEO.
I've worked with some difficult people in the past, but she's something else.
It amazes me that even her own party can tolerate her.
Replace "peasants" with the P-slur, replace "sub-communities" with sub-continent, and it reads exactly how you'd expect.
It's far right rhetoric, dressed up in Tory classist terminology.
They were just breaking through from being an oppressed minority ('no Isish need apply') to being established. And one way some of them secured their place was identifying other minorities to target with bigotry.
I’d waste no time on her or her opinions. Policies, which she’s desperate to avoid, matter. Everything else is just posturing for effect.