Yesterday morning I brought together all that's currently known about the death of 16-year-old nonbinary high schooler Nex Benedict who died after being beaten in a girls bathroom by three other students.
I combined info from videos released by local police with all major reporting thus far.
I combined info from videos released by local police with all major reporting thus far.
Chief among the unanswered questios are the strange role of police, who seem invested in portraying Nex's death the day after a head injury as unrelated to the injury they sustained.
Transphobia aside, they are looking at a likely wrongful death suit, and are trying to muddy the waters for that.
We know they suspended them for 2 weeks.
Being lucky enough that the school called my dad and him personally scaring 3 boys in high school planning to jump me is possibly why I am still here.
I mean, sure, a thorough autopsy probably(?) includes toxicology labs as a standard thing.
But there's a history of cops using "they were on drugs" as a deflection, and of the press and the general public going along with it.
Driving someone to that point, & then saying "oh, it wasn't MY hand at that very last step" is 🤮🤬🤬
Just making shit up and throwing it out there
white entitlement leads to murder