We're in a time of crisis, and one persistent thread is that we're losing our ability, or perhaps our desire, to tell truth from lies.
You may be familiar with how this is manifesting in conspiracy theories and misinformation, but the problem is much worse, and goes much deeper, than you realize.
You may be familiar with how this is manifesting in conspiracy theories and misinformation, but the problem is much worse, and goes much deeper, than you realize.
Reposted from
Frankie de la Cretaz
The NYT quotes SJSU’s assistant coach saying that the trans woman on the team jumps higher & hits harder than the cis women she plays against—but doesn’t check to see if that’s true (it’s not—the screenshot on the right is ESPN’s reporting from earlier this week disproving those claims.
It honestly breaks my heart
We were the generation of Androgyny
The polls claiming Gen X voted DT lump us in w/millenials & Boomers
Sadly not voting or voting third party gave us Bush sr, Bush jr, Trump 1st term & 2nd term
We missed out on the first female President who was the first champion for universal Healthcare & who would have built on Obama’s LGBTQ policies & protected healthcare rights to women & the Trans community