and it will only get worse. by the end of 2025 prices will have shot up 20%-25%, egg prices will most likely be $13-$15 a dozen and medicaid, medicare, SSI, SSDI and VA benefits will no longer be paid out and the rich will be richer while the rest of us starve.
I just wish all the pain and suffering Musk is predicting would just go to the people who voted for Trump and not include the people who wisely did not vote for him.
Well, we don’t have many Trump voters on this site. I wonder if someone would be posting this on X. I left X November 14, 2024 after seeing a blurb that AI was going to start harvesting people‘s data for practice on the 15th
Don't Forget To Also Blame Ass The Fucking Assholes Who Refused To Vote, In November! This is on them, as well. Almost 90 million registered voters didn't think the election was important enough to get their fat fucking asses off the couch and go vote. This country Deserves the pitiful gov't it gets
It was always sourly amusing to see all the plump, well-fed, well-dressed people in their big, expensive pickups or their nice boats, wagging around the TFG flag and claiming that the economy was a wreck because of "that Joe Biden and his commie advisors."
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great.
If you TRULY believe the economy was good under Sleepy Joe then you TRULY have a disconnect from reality. I’m not saying trumps is any better but YALL CANT REALLY BELIEVE BIDEN DID ANY GOOD lol. Yall just trolling at this point.
Yes and you wanted prices to come down. I guess you didn’t notice the last time we couldn’t get toilet paper on his watch. But hey, you can wipe your bums now and smile while you eat your toilet paper that you put away years ago cause that’s all you’re going to afford
Crazy is... when Dems get the control after the GOP has wrecked it all for four years, they immediately blame it all now on Democrats. But here, he actually has fucked it all up immediately!! Inconceivable!! #butthenitstrump
Well now it is for real and Biden did not do it. Bone spurs owns it all. The market going down is directly related to foolish moves that draft dodger made.
I’m just glad Trumpers can go back to sucking on Lego bricks and eating crayons, while pretending to be hardworking Americans, even though “tough guy contractor” has immigrants doing the roofing jobs. Maybe once the workers get deported, they’ll wake back up.
I hope you get vote again
When he talks about Putin he uses “we”
…and there they have no democracy
Just listen to him talk about Russia, it’s always with love.
Everyone else he hates
I’ve seen people starting to claim that we were in a bubble under Biden and it was going to burst now, no
matter what. They will never blame their king or take responsibility.
To quote a saying, "You can't fix stupid." Also, when the stupid public keeps making the same mistakes and expects a different result, it's called clinically stupid.
What makes me mad is office talk from economically advantaged (we work in high paying jobs) MAGAs whining, pissing, and moaning how the economy is hurting them and then shift gears to talk about the cruise or vacation they just got back from.
Trade Wars are no different than a declaration of War!
Better get your car parts this week!
Canadian Car Parts Manufacturers “have only about a week of cash reserves before they’ll be forced to stop shipments.”
According to Mr. Volpe, of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association in Canada
I saw a response on another social media platform—can’t remember the question but something like are you glad Republicans are in power again. One lady said thank God, the last 4 years have been hell. What planet is she living on?
I'd love to ask D.T. voters, how is it working out for them with lower prices??
With tariffs, prices will skyrocket. It's so unfair that the rest of us have to suffer due to stupidity!!!!!
Trade Wars are no different than a declaration of War!
Better get your car parts this week!
Canadian Car Parts Manufacturers “have only about a week of cash reserves before they’ll be forced to stop shipments.”
According to Mr. Volpe, of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association in Canada
Yeah, tell me about it. During the last conversation with a maga relative in October I will likely ever have, he was talking about the recession we were in. Unbelievable.
The conversation was ended by me about a minute later. Nothing since.
Contribute minimally to the economy. Only buy necessities. Dimwit Don doesn't care about US citizens but he loves his ratings and numbers. It's a way to protest w/getting arrested or tear gassed. Covid19 was our 2yr practice. Trump, for 3 mths did not warn us bc he "didnt want to hurt the economy."
Trump supporters are a minority. He won because Harris continued Dems' extreme right-wing agenda on the advice of Chuck Schumer and her Uber executive brother-in-law rather than moving to the center. If she had rejected Zionism and focused on the 60% who live paycheck to paycheck, she might have won
He won because he tampered with the swing states. He ADMITTED to doing it, and I will never understand why absolutely no one contested a damn thing. The Democrats who's mail in ballots disappeared, the voter purged in the days before, the bomb threats, all of it and not ONE question?
A lot of people question each and every one of those, but no one has suggested that the impacts changed the results. If you have evidence to the contrary, present it. He won because Harris participated in genocide, denied economic hardships and campaigned with Cheney.
Again, LITERALLY admitted to tampering with the swing states. By definition, that means he didn't win. Why are you continuing to blame Harris for the fact that HE CHEATED. It's a level of stupid I'd only expect from MAGA.
Again, Musk literally admitted that his financial inducement to have people vote in PA. Again, it was adjudicated. Again, no one has claimed that there's further cause of action. If you have evidence to the contrary, present it.
What's stupid is sending out surrogates to tell people who were warning her that they wouldn't support her if she participated in genocide that she was "working day and night" to stop it, when the opposite was obvious. This fractured her base and sent her to the far right with Cheney. That sealed it
US systemic issues are worse than that. It's simply that she was black and she was female. If she was neither of those things, she would be President of this societally backward country right now.
She ran a terrible, low-energy campaign that emphasized little to no change and reaching across the aisle. She insisted the economy was doing even as working-class Americans were floundering.
I knew she was going to lose. I so wanted to be wrong, but I knew.
Our national news said falling stock market will affect 401ks. Imagine working hard all your life to get squat in the end. People need to eat, pay bills etc. Heck, I might be in the same boat due to tariffs being applied against Canada….😳
Angry at them, yes.But angry at Dems too. Why? ppl did not vote Dem cuz Dems were not LISTENING! They just 'assumed' people hated Trump and would not vote for him.
Dems were telling people what they wanted, needed. So they messed up. Have they learned?
Why are you blaming Dems who actually were telling us all this rather than the sensationalism news outlets that ignored it so well you could only find out what they were saying if you directly followed them on a social site?
Because I was listening to the Dems out there talking. They talked alot against Trump and abortion.
Look, I am not happy at all about this. But Trump didn't win because ppl 'love' him. He won because so many didn't bother to vote. And there were Republicans we could have had!
We lost folks!
That’s facts but they don’t have critical thinking nor the education to understand that at all. They just saw a dei hire under Biden and a laptop to hate🙄. But hey, they have gulf of America and plastic straws, who cares they will starve.
I have no minor children,
if I did, how could I explain to them that the United States is taking its orders from Russia? Our friends are enemies, enemies are our friends. George Orwell 1984. Eleanor Roosevelt's book, TOMORROW IS TODAY.
I can't explain it to myself. I don't recognize America.
I wish Biden’s brain being fried wasn’t a thing so someone could have been in front of our shitty media telling it how it was with confidence and charisma
And if we ever have another election and a democrat wins again (at this point we all know there’ll never be another real election) they’ll blame the shitty economy whoever it is inherits just like they did with Obama. It’s a merry-go-round pf rotating knives forever.
Way to fuck our Country and the Rest of the World, but it’s not all your fault, Elmo muskrat rigged the election and has paid for it, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HE IS THE PRESIDENT, Humpty is just a muskrat COCKSUCKER !
'Swing Voters' swayed the outcome of the election - not Trump loyalists. Democrats need to focus on delivering a message swing voters want to hear and can believe in, if they want to win elections. Democrats failed to do that in 2024.
You sure about that because my sources say there’s a real good chance the election was stolen by manipulation at the tabulation stage. Lots of discrepancies, especially in swing states. Joe did nothing. The Dems mistake was allowing Joe to run again. Major fuck up. They had this coming
"Your sources" ? Gotta do better than that. Give links to legitimate sources known for integrity that have verifiable evidence to back up your claims, otherwise you're spreading conspiracy theories.
“The USA is respected again in the world stage “ 🤡🤡🤡
Wonder how happy they'll be NOW?
Impressive, large and bigly impressive.
Non voters
Blood is all on MAGA and Trump's hands!
When he talks about Putin he uses “we”
…and there they have no democracy
Just listen to him talk about Russia, it’s always with love.
Everyone else he hates
Then we have to vote blue with paper.
matter what. They will never blame their king or take responsibility.
That offsets egg prices and then some.
What in the heck are you talking about?
Trump blames Biden!
So much going on these days.
Better get your car parts this week!
Canadian Car Parts Manufacturers “have only about a week of cash reserves before they’ll be forced to stop shipments.”
According to Mr. Volpe, of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association in Canada
With tariffs, prices will skyrocket. It's so unfair that the rest of us have to suffer due to stupidity!!!!!
Better get your car parts this week!
Canadian Car Parts Manufacturers “have only about a week of cash reserves before they’ll be forced to stop shipments.”
According to Mr. Volpe, of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association in Canada
The conversation was ended by me about a minute later. Nothing since.
I knew she was going to lose. I so wanted to be wrong, but I knew.
Angry at them, yes.But angry at Dems too. Why? ppl did not vote Dem cuz Dems were not LISTENING! They just 'assumed' people hated Trump and would not vote for him.
Dems were telling people what they wanted, needed. So they messed up. Have they learned?
Look, I am not happy at all about this. But Trump didn't win because ppl 'love' him. He won because so many didn't bother to vote. And there were Republicans we could have had!
We lost folks!
if I did, how could I explain to them that the United States is taking its orders from Russia? Our friends are enemies, enemies are our friends. George Orwell 1984. Eleanor Roosevelt's book, TOMORROW IS TODAY.
I can't explain it to myself. I don't recognize America.