He’s never had an original thought in his life and is constantly bouncing among the the popular opinions du jour. He stands for nothing and is an unreliable corporate weasel that fooled everyone into thinking he might give a fuck.
if "common sense" is anything other than code for "i have no evidence to support this opinion, but a lot of people share it with me" i have yet to see it
they’re so excited about punishing trans people that they refused to wait even a week between saying they were removing limits on speech and going after trans employees and users
Are they afraid of tampons? Pads? How about we remove vending machines in restrooms selling all those colored and ribbed condoms and crap like that? I've seen them in women's restrooms, but I wasn't afraid of them - jeez, talk about snowflakes 🙄🤭
none of these people are “rolling over”—this is what they always wanted, but thought they couldn’t get away with