but didn't people in the Republican party and his followers in general still have some semblance of shame or embarrassment? or even just basic respect for the law?
Yep but the thing the vp just like the president are both illegitimate &therefore any pardons are going to be null & void not to mention theyre involved in the same crimes & you cannot pardon yourself or a co-conspirator in a crime youre involved w its right in the Constitution under the pardons act
I remember all those "expletive deleteds" and being genuinely shocked at the casual swearing of the President of the USA. We still tend to assume decency and truth. Failure to assume that our leaders lie, checks that can prevent oligarchy? Both seem sadly lacking across world democracies today.
Difference being Republicans THEN knew what Nixon was doing was bad and he had to resign. This time they endorsed a criminal and tried to pander to him.
What’s that “ambitious prosecutor refuses to drop charges” like it’s her fault for even daring to charge one of trumps cronies!
FUCK the new york times‼️‼️😡
(they don’t get capitols! Only respected source’s get that!)🤨
Nothing in watergate was even close to how far 2025 is going. The scandal blew up because it was unique in scale at the time, but I'd say by mid-march Trump will be sending FBI agents to raid Dems offices in broad daylight to search for "hilary's emails" or whatever and no-one will bat an eye
I rather doubt the final outcome will be the same. The GOP are very unlikely to defend the constitution and work with the “Other” side. They will sit back with vacant stares and creepy smirks watching the nation do a swirly down Trumps golden toilet while Elon flushes.
I told my adult children this is going to be worse than anything I’ve experienced politically during my lifetime, including Watergate and Reagan. “You think so?”
“I promise”
not to mention media was ostensibly trust-worthy back then and there were basically 3-4 channels anyone and everyone used for their news.
now there are super insular like-minded bubbles catering to every individual batshit bit of nonsense that reinforce/reward the insane conspiratorial beliefs.
The events of the past 2-whatever days remind me more of early 30's US, when we shrunk from the global market/view and hid behind "Oh, but the great depression" nonsense until Japan tugged the tiger's tail.
It's something to remember today, that if Nixon had been impeached and removed, instead of resigning, history would be very different now. The "Saturday Night Massacre" was one of several federal offenses Nixon could have been prosecuted for. Ford's pardon was a mistake for which we're still paying.
Also, the Office of Legal Counsel memo saying a President could not be prosecuted because it would interfere with his Presidential duties. I blame Garland for not having that memo reevaluated and reversed.
FFS please stop comparing Nixon to this situation. Nixon’s own party told him to resign or be impeached. Back then it was country before party. Now it nothing above fascism. The two are not the same 🤦🏻♀️
The votes to impeach were there! The fact a president would lie & cheat was abhorant as opposed to now where it's rewarded! And the actual event was only the tip. The GOP had begun it's path of "win at any cost!" RayGuns came next & gave us the Contra Affair!!
Grifters On Parade =
1. The president’s actions are similar and therefore correct to compare
2. Unless I’m mistaken, this headline came out BEFORE Nixon was told to resign
3. Headlines like these helped put public pressure on Rs to push Nixon out
4. How the media reacts is relevant regardless of how politicians do
The POINT is that even though they tried to be corrupt, and make no mistake, they absolutely were, when the shit hit the fan, they were still putting country before party then. These 2 are not the same. One corrupt POTUS without party support, one corrupt POTUS with party support.
Far more importantly, I was too young to remember Nixon’s election but I’d have to think it was not dissimilar to 2016 when some people knew how corrupt trump was but was voted in anyway. This time, not only is it not country over party, he was given a second term despite being a convicted felon.
Do you genuinely think Nixon would have been voted in again after being fired by his own party? And if he was a 34 time convicted felon there is zero chance he’d have been reelected. I’ll say it again, please stop comparing the 2. They are NOT the same.
Yet 10 months later Nixon resigned, as he didn't have enough gop support in the senate. Much different today. I watched both when he resigned and when Ford to the oath of office.
I would love to believe that something will happen over this in a good way but politicians have zero scruples today. We have been yelling someone should do something for so long its become background noise.
No Fox News propaganda network then either. The people I know who are Trump supporters parrot whatever crap Fox is feeding them for any given situation.
The Saturday Night Massacre happened Oct 20 '73 and Nixon didn't resign until Aug 8 '74. I was too young to know much about this, however it is my understanding the Republicans stood by Nixon until the very end, when they couldn't deny it any longer.
yeah if it happened today the conversation would be "no, that didn't happen," "yes it did," and just back and forth like that for the rest of Nixon's term
Nothing will ever top my friends dad saying “your just repeating liberal talking points” while speaking only in Fox News chyrons. Or his favorite source “somewhere on Facebook” 😂
Here is the difference Richardson & Ruckekhaus took this oath:
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same"
GOP had a spine then; this time it’s way different, and scarier. Consider that some of Nixon’s minions (Stone et al) helped get us where we are today. They have long had FDR’s New Deal achievements & 60s Civil Rights goals in their crosshairs. They seem to be winning too. We can’t let them!
But at least Nixon has the decency to resign. That CF doesn’t give a shit about anything or anyone but himself. He will burn this country to the ground to save himself
Now we have no press to speak of, no patriotic Republicans at all, and a supine Democratic Party. Things don't look promising for a repeat performance.
I think it would be interesting to take the past 3 weeks White House activities, substitute all the Watergate names for the current administration names, and present it as a Watergate-era front page.
Could be eye-opening.
Archibald Cox taught my constitutional law class in the government department at Harvard as an undergraduate. The lecture about the Saturday night massacre in the context of the presidential powers was riveting.
And who will become a criminal again and be behind bars before this is over along with his buddy Ellie. From my lips to God’s ears, and whoever else wants to listen!
That was then. This is now. As much as I would love to believe this we had four years to make sure that MFer never was allowed to run again. And where are we? Somehow through time people have lost humanity.
There should’ve been a law passed after Jan 6 that convicted felons could not run for president. it is a failure of Congress that it didn’t pass that law and now we are stuck with a criminal who was convicted by a jury of his peers, That will never go away.
Think about how weird it is for the US to meet Russia to talk about a Mideast Cease-Fire plan. Be like if Argentina and Mongolia got together to talk about tax issues in the US.
just to be super annoying, because it bugs me that this gets memory-holed, but the "last time" was when GWB mass fired attorneys for refusing to pursue fabricated charges against Democrats
Caused a president to resign in disgrace. The only one to ever do it. It was a great day for our democracy. The rule of law prevailed. I don’t know what’s wrong this time, but I think it has to do with corruption and Nazis.
I remember this in real time, I was in college. Here's another example of how things have changed. We all know Nixon resigned-he resigned because four Republican politicians met with him and warned him he would be impeached. He resigned to avoid being impeached. Trump's been impeached 2X, reelected.
They had checks and balances still, though it started with him and then Ford’s pardon. Things really started to erode when Reagan came into office. W wasn’t much better (and people wanted him back- they must have forgotten all the trouble in the M. East). Trump has been like this since the 80’s.
The absolute IRONY of the text of this full page ad complaining about the failure of the police and the courts to punish criminals sufficiently, and since publishing this statement, he has committed every single crime he mentioned and is furious to have been held accountable for it
Now @nytimes.com headline would be “Donald Trump ruffles some feathers” or “some say there actions are no normal “ but then check out their coverage as Hitler wrote the power. They weren’t doing shit then either.
Well Republicans weren't traitors to our Constitution with Nixon. We stood together to stop him.Now,the Republican party is an active participant in each of Trump's crimes.
Here is their framing of it, right now. "Ambitious". Front-loading the idea that she is, in essence, virtue signaling to get ahead. Just an ambitious woman doing something!
Read this the other way. She’s ambitious yet she stepped down even while recognising it would harm her career. Nobody sensible uses crossing the administration as a tool of ambition at the moment. She stepped down DESPITE her ambition, not because of it.
I remember back on Twitter when someone asked how NYT could've missed out on breaking anything about George Santos before he got elected some NYT guy popped up in the replies to chastise people for not subscribing to a local Long Island paper
Worth noting also that this was Nixon, who won an election in 1972 by such a wider margin that none of the illegal shit was even necessary, meanwhile everybody’s talking about Trump’s goddamn mandate
Illegal shit was break-in to dems nat'l campaign hdqtrs & pd for by repugs campaign slush fund! It wasn't EO's affecting citizens life OR raid on Country's systems! After, I had t-shirt "Don't blame me I'm from Mower Co"! My MN co. was one of few that he won!
And WE thought it was bad then! 😡
During Watergate the Republican Party still had some members with integrity. That is 100% gone. Any Republican with an ounce of self-respect or a modicum of moral values has left politics already.
You can’t convince me that’s not an immortal Leonard Leo pictured furthest to the right. Get your stakes and axes, people. We gotta take out some vampires.
He was appointed to USCIRF by W. He was elected chair by the other commissioners, primarily because no one else wanted the job. USCIRF was an unpaid “honor” for right wing Christians, many associated w Becket Fund. It never did much of anything but get an international line on right wing resumes.
And reporters cared more about informing the public & holding power accountable than having access to power. Fact DC press is gloating about being 'back' due to lie filled daily pressers & calling the felon's lie filled unhinged rants 'transparency' says everything.
Um, ALL legacy media has been wholly owned by right wing billionaire broligarchs since 2022, so they're not worried about offending the billionaires, they ARE the billionaires.
Everyone noticed the rapid shift to placating trump and bashing Biden when the final parent company was acquired.
I haven't decided if it's that or that he keeps everything in such a heightened state that people search out media stories. The more fantastical, the better. Maybe both.
Watergate wasn’t even close to this, and the GOP, nightly news and the papers did their job. The Washington Post blew it open, and it was covered practically 24/7.
CBS News interrupted prime time programming to announce each resignation and the firing.
Today’s CBS wouldn’t bother and if they covered it, they’d frame it in the GOP’s favor.
cause that's loooong gone these days.
There is no collective outrage
FUCK the new york times‼️‼️😡
(they don’t get capitols! Only respected source’s get that!)🤨
Remember, if Nixon had had Fox to kick around, we'd still have Dick to kick around.
It will be other media this time.
ABC, CBS & NBC, along with the major "national" newspapers all biased their coverage heavily in favor of the GOP since before Clinton was president.
However, I think it's the other way around.
Eventually the 'good guys' will be gone and only the sycophants will be there to do their bidding.
“I promise”
now there are super insular like-minded bubbles catering to every individual batshit bit of nonsense that reinforce/reward the insane conspiratorial beliefs.
This will not end well. At all.
he depressed us
1975 forward we lived that depression making new music
working for the weekend & paying cheap rent
Grifters On Parade =
2. Unless I’m mistaken, this headline came out BEFORE Nixon was told to resign
3. Headlines like these helped put public pressure on Rs to push Nixon out
4. How the media reacts is relevant regardless of how politicians do
Today’s republicans are all fascists and accomplices to crimes.
Nixon discharges cox pfffffttttttttt5t
Never ever gonna happen now.
NYT now is weak and just part of the state run media.
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same"
Now, the oath says Support & Defend only Trump
Maybe "Lil X Steals the Spotlight at Presser".
Could be eye-opening.
If only I could say that today.
It's not a crime if there's no coverup.
200,000 signatures - Let's make it MILLIONS!!!
REPOST!!! Spread the word!!!
"what the fuck!?"
I just see 3 less federal employees in a govt shedding employees daily in a country more interested in who Taylor Swift bones and sports.
I mean, two of the press were not in the oligarchs pockets I guess…
You know we aren't supposed to be anywhere near the halls of power.
And WE thought it was bad then! 😡
I think I need a beverage.
Everyone noticed the rapid shift to placating trump and bashing Biden when the final parent company was acquired.
Today’s CBS wouldn’t bother and if they covered it, they’d frame it in the GOP’s favor.