People who thought DOJ was weaponized against political enemies are…
People who thought hiring should be merit-based are…
People who voted for Trump as the “Peace” candidate, or because Biden was too divisive, are…
Proof yet again that there are no real libertarians. They should be the maddest about this. Libertarians are just MAGAs who think they’re better than MAGAs
Murray Rothbard or whoever was like "we're going to steal the word 'libertarian' from the left!"
& yet they've done such a terrible job actually displacing anarchists from that terrain. Right wingers have effective propaganda claiming they're pro liberty but it's just states rights all the way down
That wouldn't surprise me with such a quote or something like that attributed to him, given what he did with it and the Austrian School of thought. His purpose was to remove the economic portion of libertarianism. Then you look at 1980 Koch political platform and now, it all makes sense.
RW will claim libertarianism, but only for them really, as economically and political, it still has to align to ensure THEIR liberty and freedom, who cares about others. Ergo libertarianism is a joke.
apprehend them without warrant, without charge, without evidence, without a judge ever even HEARING about it, without any kind of process at all, to be whisked out of the jurisdiction against the law to secret facilities, kept from their lawyer and denied communication, on the orders of the pres.
Off topic: could you please check if your posts are set to the Italian language? I created a custom feed for Italian posts and I see lots of your messages.
I suggest to set them to English, otherwise they won't appear in English feeds and you'll have less visibility. 😉
Honestly, at this point, let them fail and close. They deserve it. This is the result of universities becoming businesses and real estate companies rather than places of free learning. It's shameful.
I mean, fundamentally, to hate wokeness is to live bigotry & all its nazi trappings. Too bad the Dem party didn’t articulate this during this fascist decade
These are people who are dumb and feel that their speech is impeded because smart people point that they’re dumb. They want to be free to be dumb, racist and whatever, without opposition. Applies for religion too- I can’t have religious freedom unless I am in charge and unopposed.
Given Neuralink's upcoming FDA approval can thought control be far behind? Unis turned to trade schools, thinking for oneself a felony and freedom of speech soon a fond/vague memory.
The absolute fecklessness of the authors of the infamous Harper’s letter. "The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away." First, that is not how you defeat fascism. Second, fuck you morons for enabling it.
And "alarmists" predicted fascism but were overruled by authoritarians in the name of free speech... somehow lol
I blame illiteracy, which the government has been gutting for years via public/voucher/private school systems. This is what happens 15-25 years later: adults ain't able t'think good.
Trump’s fighting with the rest of the world to be the largest third world country.
While China graduates almost as many engineers as the rest of the world, we’re destroying universities because they’re too “woke”.
People who thought DOJ was weaponized against political enemies are…
People who thought hiring should be merit-based are…
People who voted for Trump as the “Peace” candidate, or because Biden was too divisive, are…
& yet they've done such a terrible job actually displacing anarchists from that terrain. Right wingers have effective propaganda claiming they're pro liberty but it's just states rights all the way down
We don't need to imagine a nicer more liberal version of the weird ass way conservatives have tried to malign and distort the concept.
No offense to you, respect is great. But let's not lose sight of what Childish means by "stay woke"
Watch for 3 Body Problem arguments as time goes on and we get to the “Positive good” phase.
I suggest to set them to English, otherwise they won't appear in English feeds and you'll have less visibility. 😉
Honestly, at this point, let them fail and close. They deserve it. This is the result of universities becoming businesses and real estate companies rather than places of free learning. It's shameful.
It's more often about petty, personal vendettas. The principles get overlaid in order to hide the bigotry.
Who were barely never Trump and remained Republicans.
Anyone to the Democratic party is crashing to the right?
It was about their freedom to hate and intimidate without being called out for it.
I blame illiteracy, which the government has been gutting for years via public/voucher/private school systems. This is what happens 15-25 years later: adults ain't able t'think good.
While China graduates almost as many engineers as the rest of the world, we’re destroying universities because they’re too “woke”.