This is great. But it’s a crime that people who get up to work every day in many cases can’t even afford a car to get there anymore and if they do they’re in debt for the next 7 years. ☹️
We've allowed the billionaire oligarchs to convince us to hate our neighbor if they don't fit a certain mold. That is not the true heart of the nation I know. When our neighbors need help, we help them. It's what we do. Why did we allow the rich to convince us otherwise? We know who we are.
Thank you for posting this, and a special thanks to the teachers that all gathered together to help this man. I’m sure he works his butt off for nothing, but there are people that appreciate him and want to help him! This is what we need to see more of less pictures of Elmo.
Teachers did this. These people aren’t millionaires, and they got together and did this for someone else. And I bet all of these teachers pay their taxes, too. Our millionaires and billionaires could learn a few things from these amazing people.
It takes moments like this for me to see Him
If things are STILL happening like this, in this climate, amazing. Selling an old clip as recent news though...
Did you have these same issues with Bill Gates and Soros?
Quite frankly I’m exhausted by the “rich hate”. It even trickles down to low millionaires. It’s silly.