Ah yes. Monday.

Artist: Eric Winter
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I played Rumpelstiltskin in primary school. I, a small red haired girl, not a boy, but perhaps I was considered good at stamping my foot.
Ah yes, the children's story with a dwarf whose name is generally understood (see Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable) to mean 'wrinkled foreskin'.
I think of her often.
Is that cocaine?
I'll love you if you make me $$$$.
You bring back such memories, every day!

Fantastic work by you (and the artists, of course)
🤣 that’s the perfect analogy for all the sane people of the planet trying to sift through and survive trump’s ocean of lies.
I can only think of one reason to wear shoes like that. To overcompensate after hearing that shoe size is comparable to a certain male organ. They are ridiculous.
I used to have a coat made of Rumpelstiltskin.
Trying to find community support 🥺

If you can possibly help in anyway ⬇️
Old bitcoin
I had that Ladybird 👍
Rumplestiltskin was one of the best books
‼️7 days to 1st April and 2x Florida congressional elections in the 1st and 6th districts - go support the non MAGA candidates - you don’t need to live there to support them! Donate, call, visit, spread the word! Flip to house ‼️
Because of my old schedule, this Monday is like a Friday before a long weekend.
Ladybird books look amazing as they are, but out of curiosity I've just borrowed this image and 'boosted the contrast' in Photoshop (so the colours are more intense for the eyes of modern viewers), and it looks even more amazing. Please see attached.
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But it's not the colour of flax, now 🙂
You’re quite right. 👍
Interesting effect, though 🙂 Mekkin me wonder how many young people nowadays know what flax is. I've a flaxen-haired great-nephew with a mam that wanted the description explained.
Ladybird books were great reads for children.
I need you to have it done by noon
Thought BoJo was playing Gulliver.
Huge nostalgia trip, had loads of ladybird books when my kids were little, this was one of my favourites🙂
I loved that Ladybird. Those fairytales had the best period clothes illustrations.
Our Lead Officer had memories flooding back with this one! Rumplestiltskin? 😃
You can almost see the "WTF, dude?" thought bubble above her head.
You just know they didn't have a good marriage.
Yes, I just brushed the cat. Why do you ask?
One of our cats violates the second law of thermodynamics. She doesn't eat anything like enough to produce the stupifying quantities of fur coating our house & clothes much of the time. She must have an interdimensional portal, with fur coming in & forks going out (we also have disappearing forks).
Tinker (she's the one on the left, not her much more intelligent friend on the right), may she rest in peace, was very much the same.
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No take him away, too early in the week to be dealing with him!
HA! Perfect pic for Monday.
Too accurate!
Yoh! I am going to sleep for a 100 yrs after this inbox
Very good.
I remember this one