I'm not a biologist, but I do know one: birds are caught this way in order to study their populations, behaviours and life cycles. It's time consuming and requires training.
I don't know if that's what is happening in this video, but it seems consistent with it.
And because of this behavior towards these animals I am blocking you even when you have liked several of my posts. The wildlife safety and comfort is more important than your pictures. 😡
oh, i would have to say goose. duck is a close second. of course i have tried eating the smaller domestic birds too, but i find the effort you need to remove any amount of meat from a sparrow carcass far outweighs any pleasure gained by eating.
Didn't see any chickadees, my favorite bird. As a kid, I would hold my hand out the window with sunflower seeds, and if I held still long enough, they would land in my hand to eat. It was awesome!
It's likely that they're studying the birds! Scientists use nets and such to catch the birds unharmed and handle them long enough to gather some data and give them an anklet The way they're holding the birds is consistent with this, too.
They are likely being banded and tracked. It's actually for their benefit to track their numbers and migration despite it being hard to watch for some. They are caught with a net.
Totally disgusting all those birds and not one on the grill after. Lol all these puss people crying about how there feet are crushed or whatever get a life lol. You act like he was molesting these birds
I could tell this was bird banding. We use to bring our 2 daughters to a marsh where scientists did this- after getting important info, they would put the smaller birds in one of my daughter’s hands: pure, up-close magic. An intimate exchange before the bird flew away.
It’s likely they were lured with seeds or nuts and caught with light mesh nets! This is so they can be banded to better reaserch them, before being let go. It’s a fairly common, and harmless practise, and the bird is uninjured.
TL;DR the birds just probably needed a fancy little bracelet
If you look carefully, you can see most of the birds have bands on their legs. I assume that they are captured as part of the process of applying those and we are seeing the results of this here. The photographer is very likely to be a conservationist/scientist who knows what they are doing.
Hello, how are you? I am a mother from Gaza, and I support 5 children. I live in a tent on the street, and my house was demolished. I am now in dire need of your help to live a decent life.
more seriously though, probably lured them with seeds/nuts then caught them with gentle nets. that or mist nets (fine mesh nets hung up in open areas to catch birds flying through). great to band them :)
My Blue Jays share more often than bully. My NEW NEMESIS is One Robin. He discovered the mealworm feeder for the bluebirds. He chases them away even if he got his fill. Bullies over the feeder. Trying to come up with a way to stop this
I don't know if that's what is happening in this video, but it seems consistent with it.
Video/photo done after marking them to let people know how beautiful they are so maybe we stop trashing nature.
Yet almost everyone here is rude towards the people trying to help nature 😢
I love this! Soooooo cute. I wanna hug em all.
The waxwing was quite regal!
They are caught to aid research and preservation.
Video/photo done after marking them to let people know how beautiful they are so maybe we stop trashing nature.
Yet almost everyone here is rude towards the people trying to help 😢
TL;DR the birds just probably needed a fancy little bracelet
I will mention that you can tell that a few of those birds did not mind being held. But there were a few that were giving "kill my landlord" vibes.
“The following is prohibited:
(2) The feeding, touching, teasing, frightening or intentional disturbing of wildlife nesting, breeding or other activities.
I learned about catching and putting rings on birds through children's books when I grew up in the eighties and thought everyone knew.
But I really like seeing the rose breasted grosbeak. We generally only see them for a couple of weeks.
more seriously though, probably lured them with seeds/nuts then caught them with gentle nets. that or mist nets (fine mesh nets hung up in open areas to catch birds flying through). great to band them :)
Birds need freedom
No joke.
(The hummingbird of course)