As a Canadian who grew up in the 70s and 80s, I likely know more about how a bill gets made and passed in America from watching a simple children's cartoon. I never thought a Nazi terrorist government would take over America until now.
Vance: "No but I once fucked a couch and the "spill guard" spray on it got all over my crotch and it itched for weeks,.. and THAT is more than any human can deal with... I'm like a hero or something for making it through that."
In that case, I refer to my grandmother's motto. She spoke broad Scots: "Whit's guid tae gei's no ull tae tak". (What's good to give out isn't bad to take.)
I think meme creator BTC is crediting Anonymous for "This is what we're dealing with, folks."
That took me a while to figure out and isn't what I thought when posting.
It just goes to show you that they don’t give a shit what the people of Ukraine are dealing with while they’re sitting in their fancy houses getting richer and having to pay zero taxes while people are dying and getting poorer almost every day.
Being a horrible person.. and it being JD .. when he said that.. I immediately wondered what kind of videos he meant.. like cross dressing ones? Drag queens? 😂😂😂
Will go down in history as one of the most absurd moments in modern diplomacy, a moment when an American VP chose indifference and detachment over understanding and responsibility in the face of a president whose country is fighting for its survival. 🇺🇦💔
I’m asking Floridians to sign a petition to recall Rick Scott. He won’t hold town halls and won’t respond to constituents calls. I’ve called daily for a month and no one has ever answered.
It may not be constitutionally supported, but it can send a collective message.
Remember, #ShadyVance said that he would lie to get stories portrayed in the news the way he wanted. He's a liar and a propagandist. He also happens to be stupid.
Yeah Vance is a redneck from the state next to mine. It's also nice to see Europe donating more money for the war recently. We in the states have zero idea since there's only one party split in two we reference in the media. Apologies if you are Canadian
What do you mean by just recently. European countries have given more aid to Ukraine for quite some time, and they haven't asked for $500b in mineral rights in return.
“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive & judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”- James Madison
@X is forcefeeding an unsolicited #JdVance tweet this morning, complaining about #Ukraine protesters while he was "walking his 3 year old" ...a #LIE obviously unless DOGE fired his secret service as well. Does he realize that, by now, even AI can tell he is also a #RussianAsset by association?
As a Vet this has always been troubling to me - I have been part of NATO many training ops in communications with our former Allies. For Bon-spur and couch fucker to talk down to Europe and its safety is High Treason at best.
#JDVance - Is Forever Shamed In His Dishonor!
ALL #Veterans - and Family Members - Know! 🇺🇸
He does not hug Usha that fiercely.
Nor his bothersome children.
Oh, and throw in a maniacal billionaire-what could go wrong?
1. Write a more successful, sensitive and useful book about modern rural masculinity.
2. On that basis challenge JDV to a tree felling competition or something equally red neck and let him take himself out.
That took me a while to figure out and isn't what I thought when posting.
"I've seen a little displayed on teee veeee"
Have you been fighting back against Trump?
Hakeem: I told someone not to demonstrate.
suck failure, freaks.
‘Elon Musk, head of DOGE.’ They so easily forget the lies they told the day before. 🤪
Vance: “ Do they have nice couches there?”
It may not be constitutionally supported, but it can send a collective message.
V: "No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn once"
Trying very hard to be a real little boy.
VANCE: I got the IKEA Catalog.
Doctor: "No, but I've seen a few videos."
"No but I've been blown ashore."
Vance “Same answer”
Still hasn't seen combat.
What a REMF.
- Klassic Klown
Sarah Palin