Huh. I never crossed this swap before. To be honest, it seems quite cute. I'd watch it if it ever became a fan-made animation, short or complete, it'd be interesting.
Second and Third pic were for a comparison of if she should've been short or tall... but to be honest I don't think anyone came to a conclusive decision... just a lot of ravenous barking...
I've said this before with other artists touching the idea: The story would probably be about belle not wanting the princess to turn human again despite beast's wishes of breaking the curse.
Your design for female Beast is great! 😄
I'd happily see a Beauty and the Beast story with a genderswap ❤️ Another of my dream stories is for the beast to not change back into a human at the end 😫
I remember the original.
And honestly? I feel like the swap could have been just as good (if not better) than the original. =p
But what if Beast was still LARGE.
Now I wonder what the "uncursed" version of this beast would look like.
I mean, it’s good to experiment 😌 and now we all know she’s grand whether grande or demi 🥰
(definitely voting taller btw)
Right Andrew?! 🔪
... but-... for-... v-visual reasons...
... not because of any fetish I have...
.... not at all... 👀
I am
Very normal
I feel vedy normal about this
I am completely normal
I'd happily see a Beauty and the Beast story with a genderswap ❤️ Another of my dream stories is for the beast to not change back into a human at the end 😫