Lots of precedent being set from the top down so Get your lawyer in place first then commit the crime. I guess this is what freedom means in Trump Landia.
Mind-boggling, the inmates are running the asylum. Freedom for criminals. Courts, law, judges no longer count. Well, let’s get at er! Every man woman and child for himself. Get your lawyer in place first then commit the crime. Let’s see how that goes. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/10/trump-doj-foreign-corrupt-practices-act-pause.html
And they will allow the deduction of bribes as a legitimate business expense while not allowing teachers to deduct the cost of supplies they purchase for their classrooms. So disgusting.
Oh come on CNBC you are not that stupid. It is so trump can get money from foreign governments for aiding them in the destruction of the USA. Why are you insistent on helping trump destroy our democracy?
This isn't a "pause." He has effectively legalized bribery of foreign officials for the remainder of his term.
Where would the GOP be without corruption?
Yet another illegal act!