I am glad that there is another Facebook exodus & I would never say anyone is unwelcome until they prove otherwise, but I think that we should prepare ourselves mentally for having even more of the wildest shit possible said to us on this app just because we dare to exist & have independent thoughts
And honestly the AI mems are what I am least looking forward to
The Block on here erases them entirely from the place. If you let everyone know who they are & everyone then blocks them as well, they are only left to yell at each other & leave.
It’s perfection of everyone stays on point.
And I’d like to think there are enough people here you can find a community that supports you.
The app is incredibly flexible
Been practicing.
1. #dontengage (admittedly still evolving on this one)
2. report, where appropriate
3. #block
4. repeat
Buckle up; the vibes here are gonna get even weirder. 😬
if only people would not engage in giving attention to the underbelly
So much easier to erase their entire existence.
Cultie claiming to be a veteran all over this site loudly demanding the VA be privatized
A few Culties claiming that anyone who voted is pro-genocide
me asking scammers for money
Keep up the divide and conquer plan folks!