Black mentally ill homeless man. Mentally ill people are consistently scape goated for all social woes, and being black makes him even more hated by society. Lynched in broad fucking daylight in NYC in 2024. America is readying itself psychologically to exterminate the homeless and mentally ill
Have you ever lived in a NYC homeless shelter? I have - for two years. You don't fuck with people threatening your life. It doesn't matter who they are.
I have no love for the rich and it's unfortunate that you think that because I don't wholly follow the Working Families line that I'm some kind of monster. I preferred being viewed as subhuman for having been homeless and mentally ill - at least the contempt was honest.
I don't view homeless as monsters I was homeless for several months questioned and searched by police for sitting in a park during "open hours" at night
Slept inside mostly (hotels)
A Man stealing millions from the sick and elderly is the monster but is called a family man
Don't be silly. Perry didn't plan his attack. Video also shows him being assisted by other passengers, and other passengers said that they were frightened.
When was the last time you rode the NYC subway? When was the last time you saw someone threatened in the subway? Me? Last week.
Somebody check on the guy on the right… he has no neck… seriously though, never been a fan since he prosecuted Kang and screwed up hours of my MCU life…
Zimmerman. Rittenhouse. Now Penny. These are "heros" to the people stepping into our country's leadership and their followers. Protect the Black people in your lives. Have hard conversations with the MAGA in your lives. This is foreshadowing of what they want to normalize.
#resist #protectdemocracy
Anyone that believes the post reported anything other than the fact that a jury made the decision. The beef should be with the jury. Don’t shoot the messenger.
That’s okay. But this particular post accused the NY Post of having an opinion about the subway killer and the ceo killer and who was justified and who wasn’t.
Personally, I found fault with the jury in this instance.
It’s the way the presented it — all caps “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”. Followed by labeling him, “Man who protected subway riders”.
The fact is, Penny wasn’t there, in court or in the news, for “protecting” anyone. He was there for killing an unarmed man who had not touched one single person. For starters.
The US media “professional conversation” about these issues is running at about 4th grade level… which might reflect on the intellectual & moral state of journalism or, worse yet, on that of its audience… “You can’t handle the truth!” meets “But our sponsors!”
Imagine if everything was exactly the same but Daniel Perry was a veteran that had a mental episode in the subway and Neely the homeless that restrained him.
New York post is owned by a billionaire who also owns Fox News - Rupert Murdoch. Hence, the opinions in these stories are controlled based on what Rupert wants
The post didn’t decide the fate of the subway killer, a jury did and the post reported it. What the hell does Rupert Murdoch have to do with the verdict, and trust me I am not a fan!
This isn't new. Don't forget they supported and celebrated a 17 year old taking an AR15 he shouldn't have had across state lines, and using it to murder two people.
Not only was that fine because the victims were on the left, but they then elevated the murderer to celebrity status.
Just a reminder that health insurance companies don't provide healthcare. They profit from gatekeeping access to healthcare. Doctors, nurses, and hospitals provide healthcare. 💖
The rich are far more dangerous than a guy expressing emotional distress
Talk about emotional distress to your therapist, because I don't want to hear it.
Slept inside mostly (hotels)
A Man stealing millions from the sick and elderly is the monster but is called a family man
Eat the rich
When was the last time you rode the NYC subway? When was the last time you saw someone threatened in the subway? Me? Last week.
#resist #protectdemocracy
Personally, I found fault with the jury in this instance.
The fact is, Penny wasn’t there, in court or in the news, for “protecting” anyone. He was there for killing an unarmed man who had not touched one single person. For starters.
They would be demanding the death penalty.
Well there ya go, then.
Plus the rich white CEO made decisions that actually killed & threatened people.
Jordan Neely was black and homeless and loud and made folks uncomfortable but he was no threat to anyone but himself.
But I know better than to expect the NY Post to feel that Neely's life mattered.
Rich white guy kills rich white guy, who killed thousands, and it doesn’t look like he’ll get away with it.
Not only was that fine because the victims were on the left, but they then elevated the murderer to celebrity status.
More Murdoch propaganda trying to tell people how to think and who the next people they should hate.