Right!? Lets keep listening to consultants getting paid for their experience in losing. Lets keep making our party indistinguishable from the other but just more civil. Fuck Jeffries, Fuck Schumer, and Fuck Newsom! PRIMARY THEM NOW!
Do we have any reliable national polls of dem voters on this question? I'm curious what the majority stance is. Personally, as a lifetime liberal, I don't really find much fault with what he said. I can understand both progressive and conservative arguments on this particular (trans athletics) issue
After your comment I did some digging. No, he didn't sign anything against it in CA, but he did go on Charlie Kirk's podcast and acted like a centrist. Something he tries hard not to present himself in CA. I do think he's trying to set himself up for 2028. He's trying to Trump's own tricks.
Enjoy luxuriating in your pristine moral perfection, along with the leftmost 10 percent of American voters, while Newsom helps return the mainstream consensus to some measure of sanity
Who should dems use?
They currently have no one.
Shapiro will never win the whole country.
Newsome prob not.
We are not having another election and if we do it will not end in anyone but Trump having a third term.
The Constitution is gone. They own all three branches, military, SCOTUS
I would have campaigned for him. Just the opposite now. Yet another opportunist hatefully using vulnerable people for political gain. THIS MAKES ALL TRANS KIDS LESS SAFE. Et tu, @gavinnewsom.bsky.social ?
Totally and utterly. He never had a chance of winning all the electoral states anyway, much less the popular vote in the middle of the country or the ‘tucky’ part of Pennsyltucky.
I'm hardly the first person to point this out, but my entire adult life (I was a college senior when Reagan was elected in '80, now I get senior discounts) the Dems have cowered in fear and tried to be what they think the public wants, instead of offering moral leadership. GN is just the worst case
The D's are still stuck in the 2006 world of poll-testing and syrupy, bland cable news hits. Their average age doesn't help either. Even the ping-pong paddles at the address declaring "FALSE" reeks of legal team review.
Yes! I took a semester off to staff Carter’s reelection campaign. The ‘80’s and the ‘90’s were terrible as they kept offering Republican lite campaigns. Newsome is just a more obnoxious version of Rham Emmanuel.
I love reading your posts but I don’t agree with this. It’s really not a political issue to me I’ve always thought it unfair for trans female athletes to compete as women when they’re obviously still physically men. I don’t dislike trans women or men and feel they deserve the same rights I have.
I’d like to add that Newsom’s announcement seems like performance politics trying to differentiate himself from other Democratic candidates…I’d never put my trust in him.
Agree, he's near the top of my good list with AOC, Raskin, Crockett, Chris Murphy among plausible national candidates (plus others arguably too old to run: Sanders, Warren, and Al frickin' Green, or too young Frost)
I am from CA and never voted for him and I am a Dem. Although I like Newsom's fighting style he is inauthentic and inconsistent. He is a do as I say not as I do kind of guy which makes him untrustworthy. He's gearing up for a CA Senate run in 2026.
He hasn't changed. He's always been full of shit. The same sex marriage license thing came after he had a tough fight for mayor with a Green Party candidate and he needed to secure more support from the left for his future ambitions
I’m sure you’re right. There’s always been that ugly side, but until this year I thought he’s been a pretty good gov. Lately, tho, it’s just one bad thing after another.
And I am over here thinking - THIS IS NOT A GAME!! OUR DEMOCRACY IS DYING!! STOP WITH POLITICS AS USUAL!! IT IS NOT A GAME!!!!! FFS. Phew - it's a lot.
Its amazing the amount of time and angst spent on trans athletes given how very few of them there are. The government should be involved only with basic rules, it should be handled on a sport by sport and case by case basis as to whether the person will have an unfair competitive advantage.
You won't find a Dem candidate Politico does not malign.
They currently have no one.
Shapiro will never win the whole country.
Newsome prob not.
We are not having another election and if we do it will not end in anyone but Trump having a third term.
The Constitution is gone. They own all three branches, military, SCOTUS
(I'm older than you, but not by much.)
So what is your plan? Do you have a blueprint?
Who is the messenger? What is the message
And like another pretty godawful former mayor of SF that doesn’t bode well