I too am sick of children and their teeth. Frankly, they've had it too easy for too long. Bootstraps, kids! Great for self-improvement! Great for gnawing to relieve your bleeding aching gums!
what's crazier is that the alex jones type guy was already in the white house for four years, then ran again and basically attacked the capitol building after losing and is now running again for a fuckin third time in a row and will probably run again until he's disallowed or dies.
Honestly though why the fuck do they put flouride in the water??? Like is it supposed to make our teeth healthier?? Certainly doesnt make my teeth any better.
Fluoride is worth looking closer at and there are a lot of shitty ingredients in ultra processed food.
Doesn't change the fact RFK is a mostly crazy and overall a terrible person to have in the government though.