it’s a good sign for the country when wine mom liberals are creating brand new liberal Qanon personalities
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Almost 800,000 people on here are following a totally-not-real account claiming it's a group of rogue park workers and who are now posting cryptic nonsense to make it seem like they're sending messages to the deep state. Also they're selling resistance merch. WTF are we doing man?
Anyway, this is craven and depressing and it’ll work.
I say let them have this.
i think its not necessarily just the fault of accounts like these, and more than a lot of people just have never really had to fight for their right to exist before.
we need to offer them a better alternative imo
Don't remember them selling merch either and these cryptic posts are weird
Altnps might be stretching the truth but that comparison is far more of a stretch tbh
most of my popular skeets are literally just shit i googled or skimmed the pages of More Educated Persons™️ to find...
We've even managed to hitchhike their posts to get crucial info to others. 1/2
I would appreciate if they would disclose where the funds are going, however. If it supports laid off workers, I'd like it.
Similar to how people go "the YourAnonCentral account isn't real, reeee", like who cares? They're showcasing protests and ways we can get involved. That matters to me.
Be the change we wanna see in the world, or some shit ✌️
Liberals are teaching themselves how to bake and self-pilling with all the previous knowledge from Qanon.
More than anything, I want a more than 2 party system in practice TBH
*clutches wine bottle closer*
Qanon calls everyone pedos and led to a gunman terrorizing a pizza joint due to a BS conspiracy theory. Not at all the same as an account claiming to be anonymous park rangers. Who cares that they sell shirts? That's the same attack the GOP used against AOC. Extremely bad faith.
Each time, no evidence for this claim.
Yet you don't need any evidence of the original claim that they are a legit poster and not a grifter. See how biased and naive that makes you look?
Good to know dude, I do not trust you either