Tons of irony here. She stood up to Bone Spurs and his minions. Stormy would be a deserving recipient compared to the people Bone Spurs chose for this award. Did I mention that he wanders around with a load in his britches?
There was no crime, however there are people in 45’s camp who are promising to prosecute him for his actions.
Giving a pardon before indictment, conviction, and sentencing is unusual, but it has been done. (See Ford / Nixon, Carter / Draft Dodgers, Bush Weinberger.)
Nice touch. And to reward the telling of truth even when it’s stressful, speaking truth to power, not to be silenced by the patriarchy and its crime-protecting non-disclosure agreements, to stand up to “might makes right” shenanigans.
Trump. Nothing.
But imagine the world in which a penetrate becomes an American hero… 😂…🤨…😢
Freaking aautocorrect!
Rush Limberg got one
Sam Walton got one
Jim Jordan got one
Damn, reduced to mere participation ribbons.
To her. It’s gonna get ugly
Giving a pardon before indictment, conviction, and sentencing is unusual, but it has been done. (See Ford / Nixon, Carter / Draft Dodgers, Bush Weinberger.)
The problem is, there are people in 45’s admin coming into office who are promising to prosecute him, regardless.
Offering Blanket Immunity via a Pardon would prevent that from occurring. (See Ford / Nixon, Carter / Draft Dodgers, Bush / Weinberger.)
And then she pardons Hunter.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
happy thanksgiving to you btw, and to all of you