Zelenskyy is a role model for world leaders in our time. Trump and Vance are traitors and Russian puppets. The USA owes Zelenskyy an apology. The world owes Zelenskyy a debt of gratitude and needs to humbly step up to fight against fascism. How can any country back Putin? Comment on Fox!
This is so horrible to watch. Vance thinks he can ask him to grovel and Trump just wants to yell and cannot answer questions. Poor Zelenskyy can’t get a word in.
It appears this "transcript" isn't accurate though. It's misinformation and should be marked as such. It's disappointing that this account has left it up for five hours.
Zelensky is a big liar, and a coward in the face of the Nazis that took over his country. But then, it takes extraordinary courage to face Nazis when they have all the money, all foreign, from US/UK, or looted, and your patriots have none. Zelensky joined the Nazis & got money.
Putin definitely has kompromat on Trump. They are both the filth of the earth. Raw sewage has more value. Zelenskyy should have told Vance to go fuck a couch.
All the American people had to do is vote in their best interest and we didnt....1/3 of the country is RACIST AF, 1/3 of the country isnt and 1/3 of the country rather COMPLAIN then VOTE
There are plenty of things to be critical about that conversation that you don’t need to invent fictional things. Just pick from one of the real things instead.
All the quotes said by zelensky are right. Disgusting that he’s told he’s not thankful enough.
Most money supplied by US was in arms made in US.
US is part of agreement to protect ukraine after they gave up nukes.
What kind of leader humiliates another leader. Especially bone spur felon.
Zelenskyy laid down the truth...took dmango and his administration back behind the woodshed...exposed them as the feckless Russian apologists they truly are...
I am half Canadian. My mother was an undomesticated Canadian wolf that one day found herself in America. She did not raise us to be easily tamed, to forgo our freedom and independence. She taught us to howl at the moon, to howl for freedom "to thunder in the face of injustice"-C.P. Estes
And that area of Canada was by a Ukrainian diaspora, so yah, I know ceasefire will not happen until Putin leaves Ukraine because there will always be Ukrainians who will reject Russian occupation & a Europe who will not sit easy with simmering conflict & Putins eternal encroachment-Georgia creeping
However, he did say this to the dick that asked him why he "refused" to wear a suit, “I will wear costume after this war will finish. Maybe something like yours, maybe something better, I don't know, we will see. Maybe something cheaper..."😂
I heard something on the radio. just trump, actually he said he wanted peace. I also want peace so it makes me feel conflicted. something about cards, tit for tat etc, these men controlling the fates of innocents. vance repulses me. I read his bio and never once thought, I hope he is VP someday
Basically trump ended any chance at peace because Zelenskyy didn’t say thank you enough. He wanted Zelenskyy to grovel while trump talked about how great Russia is and z refused to do so, and they shouted at him and said lies about him being a dictator and kicked him out and blamed him.
Putin will declare "peace" and take what he wants, rebuild his forces and return. And only the gullible would believe there won't be massive violence on the Ukrainian people. You don't trust people who target schools & hospitals and kidnap chlldren.
Jesus fucking christ. This is so deeply disgraceful, inappropriate, and embarrassing. I hate Trump almost as much as I hate the fucking traitors who voted for him.
I said this immediately after, if I was Zelensky I would’ve walked out. He should tell trump to fuck off. He was right in everything he said to trump & vance. I didn’t think I could get anymore pissed off or upset. But here we are. I agree, I’m ashamed to be American. We are so fucked.
Traitor Trump is going to surrender Ukraine to Putin, the same way he surrender Afghanistan. This is very dangerous having this Traitor as are President, he needs to be discharged from his duties Now.💀
Never ashamed to be an American. Indeed, empowered like never before to stand for what it means to reflect genuine American values w my every breath. These guys are unprepared for the blowback they are actively conjuring.
I’m so ashamed, and am glad our ancestors aren’t alive to see this. Something needs to be done, as they both are evil. At least we got to see it, so there’s no doubt. 😞
He's right! He's brave! He's a fucking rockstar!
Trump is a hypocritical, lying, used-up, worn-out, pile of shit!
Like every other decent person, it's easy to go on a hate rant over that orange fucktard.
Fucking bullies! Ganging up on Zelensky.
Every country should pullback from the U.S. Zelenskyy is a hero, and one we wish we had. He’s a great president and leader of his country, he deserves more respect than anyone in the world. Everything with the U.S. should be ripped up and burned.
I love my country but abhor our POTUS, the Fascist Felon.
I stand with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his commitment and dedication to fighting for democracy to save his country and protect the world.
É e não é que o Pedinsky tem razão? Mas não esqueço que ele começou essa confusão confiando nos EUA, ou melhor dizendo Otan... Alias tanto faz não é mesmo? Falta de aviso não foi.
Putin has been working on breaking America for a long time. Focusing on those he can get under his hold, into power with Trump trying to erase those he can't. It's not just courage, also integrity, wisdom and vision. There is no such thing as status quo, always a predator at the door to watch for.
Trump is compromised. Republicans need to step up enact 25th amendment. We just need ten of you draw straws. But it's up to you to save America. Watch that thumb PUTI.
I completely agree with the sentiment of this post, and that Trump was a shitshow today, but I think you're posting an exaggerated/partially fabricated version of what was said at that meeting. That's exactly the type of thing they do that is so destructive.
And this post would be powerful if it included what was actually said, and not what whoever drafted this wish had been said. It turns something that was otherwise powerful into a lie.
Petulant trump and lapdog Vance wouldn't let Zelensky finish a single sentence. They kept talking over him when he tried to respond to their questions. So no way this post is an accurate transcript. The reality is actually worse.
THEN FUCKING FIGHT BACK! Our Navy (I love our Navy and was raised by a Seal in Vietnam,) our Marines, and our Army swore an oath TONOUR CONSTITUTION, not a President. RECOGNIZE, REALIZE, and FUCKING REPRESENT.
NOW is your time people!
Every American in the oval office today is a traitor and agent of putler; I am officially embarrassed, disgusted, contemptuous, and enraged by their bullshit. I do NOT support them, follow them, or agree with them in any particular; I oppose and repudiate them. Sorry Zelenskyy, don't sign anything.
Absolutely don't sign a thing. He still has Europe & many other still free countries, the world is a big place & can & will move on with or without the US under Russia. In time we WILL get our country back out of Putins grip. Americans will not tolerate this crap in the long haul. It's the long game
Real businessmen do trade anyway. We can fairly trade with Ukraine later when we get a real president again. Trump isn't a businessman or a president, he is simply Putin's b1tch, such a sorry fate for him, but a temporary situation for the rest of the world.
Next move is Trump will start to support Putin in winning the war. Just to humiliate Zelensky. No brains involved, no reason, just basic emotions, emotions of a child.
Yep. He will drag his followers even further down into the darkest amorality, cult leader that he is. All the world will bleed for that, USA not the least.
Mortified is an understatement. That sentiment among AD service members will continue to grow. And they see how this administration is treating our veterans. It gives me more confidence that they will continue to honor their oaths.
All of America looks disgusting, deceitful, cruel, treasonous, wrong. Not just Trump but your entire nation. Shame on the USA. Make Ameyica Great Again! Ditch the dementec dictator!!! Because right now the ancient enemies have won: the Nazis and the Russians.
I feel that the transcript was edited to express what Zelensky wanted to and had the right to say. It is symbolic, and Trump has never said a truth yet, so F him,F Vance, and it was shameful they way they acted like big bully's sitting behind the most powerful military. Europe has some nice weapons
It was hard for me to understand Zelensky in the videos I have seen. At first read of this post, I was like WHOA! Then, I realized that was wishful thinking. I still applaude Zelensky for remaining calm under pressure and not taking the bait. A real leader!
The Only US President In History To Take The Side Of Common Enemy Russia, Spew Russian Propaganda And Lies —Then Blackmail “Ally” For Profit -While Still Refusing To End War And Demand Return Of Ukraine’s Sovereign Territory—Given To Reward Putin ! Trump Is A Russian Asset And U.S. Traitor—STILL!!
Wow, Zelenski he is one tough son of a bitch. trumpkin and his pansies must be fuming. President Zelenski is showing them what a true leader looks like. I love this man!!
He was still diplomatic, it is just that his diplomacy was not aimed at persuading Trump or Vance, as he knew they were lost causes. Instead it was aimed the American people, and UK, Europe and other NATO members and allies.
I’m sure this whole Russian negotiation was vengeance for the Hunter Biden phone call. That’s all Trump knows, for him there is no win-win deal. He could have come out smelling like a rose if he had told Putin to get out of Ukraine bit he chose the cowards way out.
I am not ashamed. I feel no shame for this. I never voted for this. I have never supported any of this. It’s those who forgot how to feel shame who are the only ones who should feel it. Be proud and resist!
He has really proven to be quite something, right?! I remember him sitting across from Trump in 2017 or whatever. He looked so small. He looked like he would be swallowed by Trump's shadow. He worked with what he had back then and does the same now. Such a leader worthy of history!
And more. And the shouting Zelensky down, condescending to him like he’s some child. Probably the only person in that room who’s seen actual combat and watched friends die.
We are pampered children, we know nothing. These privileged, unqualified mutts don’t have the right to shine his shoes.
This was a disgusting display by the president and vice president. This did not show them as strong leaders, but as weak bullies, ambushing a former ally . Zelensky shows how a strong leader should be. I am ashamed and embarrassed right now to be an American. Bless you, President Zelensky.
If this was a Chess game, Trump would turn up with dice, a McHappy burger, and a Coke. What a disgusting, arrogant fraud. ZELENSKY eats him for breakfast intellectually, so he surrounds himself with a cluster of clowns.
Damn! Can we switch presidents? I want a president who stands up for his country the way that Zelensky does rather than a wannabe mob boss dressing someone down for not being thankful for being extorted.
Thanks for info. T and Vance are jerks and terrible, the worst, at diplomacy. And how many times do they say Z should be “thankful”? They browbeat him. How are Obama’s actions or the Bidens “scandal” relevant to a peace now.
I hope to god and all that is holy that those active service men and women remember that when he instructs them to turn on our own. It's coming, and choices will have to be made.
I have never heard my active duty friends say they are ashamed of being American, even now. What I heard from them is they are ashamed of our government.
Growing up with a narcissistic parent, I know how futile and enraging it is to establish reason, reality and common sense. It's a horror to see such an unhinged, untreated, mentally ill, utterly ignorant, greedy, vain sloth like Trump in the Oval office *again*. Thanks apathetic voters.
They need to rise up and save their honor, country and Constitution! NOW! We the people will stand by you and next to you! Please don’t let the fascist 🐷 destroy our planet!🌎
I completely agree, I've been screaming to impeach asap before they have destroyed our country, disassemble all of the pay systems, hold peoples social security hostage, I don't think there is anything out of reach these bastards won't do. I think it was a planned failed meeting on the US side
PLEASE stop reposting this, folks. It's fake. The real transcript is just as bad, but what's the point in circulating a fake one? @sundaedivine.bsky.social, you really need to take this down.
Well no, the real transcript was much worse. This makes Zelenskyy look combative. In reality Trump and Vance ganged up on him and didn’t let him get a word in edgeways, while spewing falsehoods and Russian propaganda. They planned it that way.
It may be best if you delete this. It's not an accurate transcription, and people could turn it against us in campaigning for Zelenskyy and against Trump. What was said was very different, but no less damning.
The entire meeting was around 45 minutes. I've yet to see the whole thing myself. But here's the weird bit. The meeting was released as a video rather than broadcast live. Yet that clip was released before the entire video. That's the bit I don't get. The most shameful...
This appears to be the meeting in full. You'll see why I'm bemused that they chose to release that section. The person asking about the suit, by the way - an insane intervention - is Real America's Voice host and MTG boyfriend Brian Glenn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06tvV9zROps
Beyond awful. It's demented. Even domestically, Zelenskyy is more popular than Trump, (about equivalent popularity but Trump has a far lower disapproval rating), and Putin is reviled.
And yet the most shameful part of that 45 minutes was released early by the WH as a trailer.
Bet he was raging around afterward, thinking about how he and HIS mob boss can get "rid" of this "problem."
Zelenskyy is fearless, but he'd better be extra careful now. Move around like Arafat every night, surround himself with super loyal guards, never take anything for granted.
I would love to see 1,000,000 people pile into Washington wearing yellow and blue and just silently stare toward the White House for a day. Just creep the SOB out. Oh, wait, I meant to say Mar-a-Lago.
So what is the remedy when impeachment isn't possible because the republican congress is held hostage. Our processes are clearly lacking and need to be addressed and adapted. I honestly don't think our republican leadership cares if we become a Russian colony, we have been sold it seems.
Crime boss chaos scenario there. But Putin is Trumps abusive daddy figure and as Colbert says he has his royal jewels. Trump is a coward. He is Putin's coward. Would be nice if he wasn't but he is and that is why we are where we are now. Trump doesn't have what it takes to stand up to Putin.
If you think this was bad, wait until Trump addresses the UN. And he throws a fit and tells them that they are nothing without him. Insults, bullying, and intimidation. That’s all he has, and that is all he will ever have.
Sign the petition to Impeach Trump/Vance. https://www.impeachtrumpagain.org?nvep=&hmac=&...
2. Go TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES OF R REPS, WHERE YOU LIVE and peacefully protest with how they have hurt us.
3. If in DC protest at Heritage foundation.
Let’s hope a lot of rank & file military feel that way. It will cut down on the numbers that will 🔥 on American civilians when chump eventually gives the order. And it won’t be just 4 like at Kent State decades ago. The 🍊💩🤡 will require blood like nobody’s ever seen. GOP Ghouls of Putin.
All of you who have friends in the armed forces need to strengthen those relationships. May then, when they are ordered to fire on their fellow citizens, they will refuse or at least hesitate
I wish I could be as optimistic about the whole critical mass thing. I seriously think that they will follow him all the way through the gates of hell. They are just like him.
does he think we all forgot what his first impeachment was about?
Friggen Marmalade and his Minions.
I think Zelenskyy looked calm and assertive and Trump and Vance treated him terribly, but let's not spread lies.
Also here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2025/02/28/trump-zelenskyy-vance-face-off-in-oval-office-shouting-match-heres-everything-they-said/
Yeah, that is disgusting.
you should delete!
Please tell me where in this full video this exact script is being said?
Keep this up and you lose all credibility.
Now, imagine Brezhnev demanding Vietnam pay for the "privilege" of completely embarrassing and frustrating his key opponent.
Most money supplied by US was in arms made in US.
US is part of agreement to protect ukraine after they gave up nukes.
What kind of leader humiliates another leader. Especially bone spur felon.
They lie.
When you watch the video
Heart wrenching
Am disgusted by those monsters
That inhabit our White House
Trump is a hypocritical, lying, used-up, worn-out, pile of shit!
Like every other decent person, it's easy to go on a hate rant over that orange fucktard.
Fucking bullies! Ganging up on Zelensky.
“Utter scum”
“Grotesque theatrics”
“I don’t care about the special relationship anymore”
“Rescind the King’s invitation”
History at hyperspeed
I stand with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his commitment and dedication to fighting for democracy to save his country and protect the world.
I am NOT ashamed to be an American.
I am extremely ashamed that Trump and Vance are Americans.
Hopefully our govt will see sense and rip up the deal
I do agree that the invitation to meet King Charles should be rescinded
And find out
To the place
That he belongs
Help him momma
He fucked around
And found out
" JD Vance is a piece of shit"
There’s already a petition against it tonight 😠
The world was watching - and US is basically showing it isn't trustworthy and is in Putin's power
I pray that we can get through this awful time and find peace again.
NOW is your time people!
And he doesn’t care that he’s starting WWIII. War is money.
Here you go: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohannon/2025/02/28/trump-zelenskyy-vance-face-off-in-oval-office-shouting-match-heres-everything-they-said/
He stood up to Putin despite overwhelming numbers
The guy's a rock star and just getting started
Maybe Trump, Vance and Putin be evaporated in a supernova.
Of course Trump was upset.
He expected Zelensky to grovel, which would have made Putin and Musk pleased.
Was all of this really said?
i saw enough
We are pampered children, we know nothing. These privileged, unqualified mutts don’t have the right to shine his shoes.
Republicans could give a rats ass about children dying.
They would literally kill their own children for a dollar.
These are the kind of people running our country because the billionaires bought the media and lied relentlessly to the simple-minded among us.
It is was worse
I fear that time is a-coming.
how in the hell did we get here? and how do we get out of it?
i vote, i drive people to vote, i speak up and speak out locally
this is so freakin' crazy
tomorrow i will feel different but for now ... i am gobsmacked
MAGA will just sing & dance in a large circle jerk around their orange king
They use to be a day when traitors were hung…need to get back there
I want to see someone questioning that.
And yet the most shameful part of that 45 minutes was released early by the WH as a trailer.
It makes no sense.
Zelenskyy is fearless, but he'd better be extra careful now. Move around like Arafat every night, surround himself with super loyal guards, never take anything for granted.
2. Go TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES OF R REPS, WHERE YOU LIVE and peacefully protest with how they have hurt us.
3. If in DC protest at Heritage foundation.