Democrats should be filing Articles of Impeachment against this piece of shit on a weekly basis. Each one would serve as a record of the unconstitutional and/or illegal shit he did that previous week. Eventually, public opinion on him will drop so dramatically that one will pass.
Sadly I just had to unfriend an old college buddy who is loving what Trump is doing. They absolutely love him. Humanity is lost. People are evil shits! Happy Monday all.
Supporters operate behind a wall of denial. They believe the lies because they are afraid & angry with government. They idolize the aggressors & feel comfort within a like-minded group. I still feel betrayed. They chose an angry demigod over good. Denial protects. It also destroys.
They’re so narrow minded and singularly focused on “owning the libs” that they can’t see the destruction that they themselves will be experiencing. They thrive on hate.
🤦♂️👀 Looks like #Trump is officially #OwnedByPutin 🚮! That #FuckingTattoo 🤡 is just a reminder of who's really in charge 🙄. #TrumpIsAPutinPuppet #RussiaOwnsTrump 🚨💣 #FuckingSurreal 🤯
And just like the Tower that got blown up and demolished in AC, the same thing will happen to anything else the Nazis reside in or own...
Gotta stay positive. Maybe the bombs Margarine Trailer Gangrene planted were never found, she forgot about them, and they'll go off any day now & kill them all
President musk and the orange dictator he rode in on are about to see a FAFO backlash of epic proportions. America is hated more now than any time in my lifetime. Never seen Canada this united.
People strive but flawed as we are we never quite make the ideal. It is no less powerful or less worthy as a goal. Our government has been unraveling for sometime. It will take more than the restoration of Dems in power to real start fixing it.
Too bad the Brighton Beach Russian mob called off the contract on the orangutan in 1985. He was screwing Nicky Scarfo’s gumada at the Plaza in Atlantic City(surprise).
Boris “Biba” Nayfeld told the Philly mob boss that “He’s with us”.
Scarfo pulled it and got more of the Russian heroin operation.
Actually it's more like the seedy boardwalk after dark...hookers, drug dealers and addicts, pickpockets, thieves, arsonists and murderers. That's exactly what's residing in the WH of the USA today. It's no longer a shining hill, but a putrid toxic mountain of 💩
All it needs now is a gold-plated toilet and swapping out the President’s Seal for the twice-impeached, adjudicated r@pist and 34-times convicted felon’s stolen coat of arms
The world-domination-through-hatred fantasies of the elite patriarchy are irrelevant. The lie is dead.
We hear the call of our Mother Earth, who produces the seeds of life and we understand the truth of the reciprocity of life. For any of us to thrive we must all thrive.
Our imperfect union has always had pretty deep flaws. In the past half century, the Washington ecosystem has shifted toward corporate welfare, and the right, toward prosperity Gospel. I never thought we would have such an utter fall from grace. It's time to burn it all down and build back better.
I hate to tell you, but America hasn't been that shining city for decades. But Americans are good at producing and consuming propaganda, so you're only noticing now that it's impossible to see otherwise.
It is bigger than just Trump and GOP. Look at the consolidated power all aligned. Trump, Putin, the world's oligarchy and the world dictators are aligned. This is a world take over.
No question.
But Trump & the USA Govt are now leading Putin's global authoritarian/plutocratic movement-it's why Trump was installed. TWICE.
And THAT is the only thing WE as Americans can try to influence.
Reagan's "Shining City" was a clear reference to the white male theocratic government that strictly controlled all society & business, based on their Bible & established on these shores by the Puritans.
THAT is still the Republican Party vision for America.
We haven’t seen the worst of it. We’re going to become a failed state by the end of the year. Failed as in Libya failed. Our nato Allies should think of securing our nukes and Canada of fortifying its borders against hungry marauding mobs
I am from Atlantic City. It's been corrupt for over a century, racist (Pauline's Prairie), and seedy since the 60's (at least). The orange innovation was to do that loudly, publicly, and incompetently while claiming to fix it.
I didn’t know that DC was called The Shining City on the Hill. Some responses here are vitriolic. But it didn’t happen Just like that.Trump is homegrown. As a Canadian, I have never been more in fear of American greed. We’ve always lived in your shadow but now that shadow is menacing. Do something.
Not DC, but the United States. Reagan made it a point of his campaign that the US was a "shining city on a hill". At his 2008 farewell address he said:
"After 200 years,[...], she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home."
The shining city on a hill was a mirage. But one can fervently hope - and,for some,pray - that the Atlantic City casino vision is a mirage,as well. With the truth,as usual,lying in the middle. Trump is 79 - tick,tock,tick,tock...
Not yet....
but we'll have to fight really hard to make sure it doesn't ......
there will have to be great sacrifices ..
but the American people have done it many times in the past. God help us
This isn’t new. Remember Iraq? Please, tell us what morality was left after causing the death of a million Iraqis? Why is Bush allowed to smile and wave without being called a murderer? Why was Harris proud to have the support of torturer Cheney? We are here because of where we were. Don’t forget
No one outside of America has viewed America as “that shining city on the hill” in over forty years. That’s why Russia was able to annex you without firing a single shot. Wake the fuck up.
David K. Johnston, who knows trump better than anyone, once described him as a "wealth extractor".
He is correct but incomplete. Trump is more like a juicer machine, destroying everything while extracting the maximum amount of juice for himself and leaving nothing but abused, battered pulp behind.
The only place the shining city on the hill ever existed was in Ronald Reagan's imagination as he sent weapons to the death squads in Central America funded by trafficking cocaine at home.
“Just like that”
Gotta stay positive. Maybe the bombs Margarine Trailer Gangrene planted were never found, she forgot about them, and they'll go off any day now & kill them all
"Donny ya little SOB, you will never, ever amount to anything"....
*footnote: At that same instant, a hairstyle was born...
Boris “Biba” Nayfeld told the Philly mob boss that “He’s with us”.
Scarfo pulled it and got more of the Russian heroin operation.
Ukraine was stupid to trust our promises and give up their nuclear weapons.
The world-domination-through-hatred fantasies of the elite patriarchy are irrelevant. The lie is dead.
We hear the call of our Mother Earth, who produces the seeds of life and we understand the truth of the reciprocity of life. For any of us to thrive we must all thrive.
Got her $300 million book money laundering Deal
and faded into Tiffany's NY
America is morally bankrupt. Trouble is half the country has no idea what "morally bankrupt" means.
Sad as it is, it is the truth.
Once TRUTH is revealed, it can begin to repair the hurt caused by bad truths.
Time to burn bad truths ... but never bury them. We need the reminders.
It's the entire GOP.
Always has been since Nixon.
But Trump & the USA Govt are now leading Putin's global authoritarian/plutocratic movement-it's why Trump was installed. TWICE.
And THAT is the only thing WE as Americans can try to influence.
Right now, they are basking in the Musk/Trump attacks on all the "others" they hate or fear.
THAT is still the Republican Party vision for America.
Soon to have the economy and freedom that Eastern Europe is famous for
Please note the HEAVY use of the sarcasm font.
Oh wait ...
but we'll have to fight really hard to make sure it doesn't ......
there will have to be great sacrifices ..
but the American people have done it many times in the past. God help us
Financially bankrupt
He is literally the worst example of #UglyAmericanism. #Hypocrisy in human form.
He is correct but incomplete. Trump is more like a juicer machine, destroying everything while extracting the maximum amount of juice for himself and leaving nothing but abused, battered pulp behind.