For those that follow congressional trades, Tuberville has one of the top 3 performing portfolios over the past 2 years. He has been insider trading using committees that he is a member of to determine where to invest, and bills expected to be passed, and govt funding approvals.
Watch him and others be part of the bitcoin reserve which will decimate our retirement Savings in IRAs and in savings and checking accounts. We must not deal with Bitcoin. It's a Ponzi scheme another scheme for Trump and Leon to get rich.
Yo, Tommy, that “overvalued” market allowed me to retire. But now, with that market declining and you guys dicking around with SS, I now have to consider going back to work, you schmuck!
Good old Tommie the Tuber-ville... he should know better than to speak publicly, and yet... I guess as a Republican, being known as the dumbest member of the Senate --who doesn't have to just play one, like Kennedy and Cruz-- is a good safe spot to be in.
The people who voted for Daddy Dumpy Pants, our so called ruler of the US, SCROTUS, are just lapping up the sugar coated lies like the stupid people they are.
To be fair I would have been shocked to the core if ol' TT had said anything vaguely intelligent. Surely one of the dumbest of the dumb Rinos (because what other kind of Republicans are there these days)
There is no logic or consistency in what elected republicans say. They go in front of the media spinning some made up propaganda fantasy story to cover trump’s criminal activity and horrific economic policies.
They are impressive with their re-definition of “winning” - first of all they had to explain why lower costs are not what the American Values are and now when a valuable stock market is falling and wrecking their savings and pensions it’s all good news
This man is a brainless toadie who has zero shame and would sell his own children into slavery to maintain the presence that he has power. He deserves nothing less than Ebola.
It would be very interesting to know the investment patterns of top Republicans. Did they get out early? Did they invest as if they knew Trump moves in advance? If so....someday. Someday.
Avg P/E of S&P over last 5 yrs is 19 ish- it's currently at almost 26 so yeah, its bloated and institutions and hedge funds drove it up and are offloading onto retail. Rinse/ repeat, the past isn't learned.
*November 3, 2026,* Senate elections 35 seats will be up for election. All 435 voting seats in the United States House of Representatives will be up for election
Everytime Tommy opens his mouth I recall that image of him sliding down the stairs. He either is too stupid or doesn't really care how people see his stupidity.
Isn't that Alabama's part-time senator on loan to Florida when he's living there? I hear they were happy to loan as the fool lost Space Force with bad negotiating skills. And, he's a Republican bemoaning the stock market went up too high, got too fat so they needed to trim 'er up.
Where in the hell does the GOP find these morons? Good god the stupid actually does burn. Between Boebby and Moron T Greene there is maybe 50 IQ points, with this guy added it goes down to 25.
He’s got an immigrant that has a drug problem running the country for him, with his little boys he’s grooming to be criminals. And paying them huge salaries at our expense.
Embarrassing the Dems keep voting with this guy and can’t figure out how to slow the senate down which this complete moron has managed to do for years 🤷🏻♀️
I would also put Mike Lee, James Comer, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Marsha Blackburn, and Andy Ogles on that list.
Dishonorable mention to the dumbest member to serve in my lifetime: Louie Gohmert (now thankfully out of office and living in a box behind a Dollar General, hopefully)
This is one of the stupidest men in the country. Apparently, a football coach is not the kind of education and experience you need to govern with intelligence and compassion.
he's right have once in a while to Market going to go up way up then it's going to come down sometime go way down I'll send a couple times they ain't no big deal unless you got money in it.
Yep. GOP has spent the past 40+ years destroying public education, converting mainstream media into right-wing propaganda sources, and spouting misinformation talking points to insure a stupid electorate. It has been an effective strategy for them. We may not recover from it.
Ooooh…Trump fixed the stock market. Makes sense. It needed a haircut. “The best cut. The greatest fall. The best greatest, everyone is saying this stock market crash is so much better than the first. The first was weak. Barely counted as a crash. My crash, will be the best crash!”
Capitalists are supposed to believe Wall St has NO ceiling for growth
And no one likes a really big stock market. It’s like an f you allow black people to attend public schools.
Do I need to name names, or are we all on the same page here?
There is not enough lipstick at L'Oréal to pretty up that pig.
Actually I retract my comparison because it's an insult to potatoes, which can be quite dazzling -
But there are people who actually believe this nonsense 😳
I also get a little over-bloated when I eat too many tubers.
Good was bad.
Bad is good.
Truth was lies.
Lies are truth.
You are on
Democrat heaven.
He’s got an immigrant that has a drug problem running the country for him, with his little boys he’s grooming to be criminals. And paying them huge salaries at our expense.
You could execute him too but that ‘head’ would probably just grow back anyway.
Dishonorable mention to the dumbest member to serve in my lifetime: Louie Gohmert (now thankfully out of office and living in a box behind a Dollar General, hopefully)
An unmitigated idiot.
Enough said.