Welcome to Dumbistan. Trump buys an electric car after removing all the electric car charging points from the White House. Sums up Trumps policies exactly.
Mister president. You will never receive the Nobel Peace Prize like Barack Obama did. You’re not half the man he is. You with your disgusting power play, you being Poetins Puppet and blackmailing a decent man like Zelensky into ‘peace’.
But it's got computers! I'm so sick of primitive autos and having Fred Flintstone stopping my car with a bad ankle. I also love the self locking exploding death tomb saving me on cremation & casket costs.
Idiocracy was spot on. If you take away the dramatic parts of it and just boil it down to certain parameters, this is where are are. The beginning of idiocracy has officially begun
What a putz. It's strange watching the guy who said he could fix everything kissing another guys ass so hard. So this is what money does to you? Turns you into a sniveling coward? All those so called patriots who backed this guy, you see who he really is yet?
If I had made my coffee yet I would have spit!! 😂 since Michael can’t save us now it’s got to be Zach Galafianakis. He’s the only one who can save us now.
In reality Trump doesn't care. He's just going through the motions to ensure Muskrat still thinks he's cared about.; plus maybe get a free car that he can in turn sell!!! he's a grifter.
Two con artists bonding. If you know someone who still doesn’t look at this administration and understand the difference between Rulers and Leaders? Check out this original song https://youtu.be/rQj19L_-j5w?si=RuWg66JMZFEF-USZ, or go to You Tube, jerrygoebel1805.
absolutely do. Never been dumber despite all that technology. Internet is a double edged sword. Misinformation, distrust and gaslighting infecting brains 24/7
Dumb- that we are about to let the biggest heist from the public purse occur in front of our faces whilst we are distracted by circus clowns and collapsing cars. Pensions healthcare social security money that belongs to everybody is about to lifted and used to pay for the privatisation of the USA
I never liked to call anybody this name but we got white trash on the white house lawn we’re having a yard sale on the White House lawn. This is this quite trashy as you can get. We just need Lauren Barber in a bra on the car.
They are defaming and destroying our most critical government agencies. They’re doing this on the false pretenses of fraud and abuse and that they do not deliver for the American people. Once they have been smashed or decapitated, they tell you “see, they don’t work!” When in reality they work well.
Trump was against EVs and still is - but, to help his buddy Musk is pitching Tesla EVs now. Why didn't reporters call out the hypocrisy? Or, ask why Trump is withdrawing federal money for charging stations in US?
And Trump is too cheap to buy anything too. Elon gave Trump the EV of his choice.
Draw a circle. Draw a second circle exactly on top of the first circle. Label the first circle “Idiocracy” and label the second circle “The Trumputin Misadministration” That’s where we are.
Isn’t this a violation of the hatch act? Not that felon 47 cares but at least some news outlets should mention it …oh that’s right they are either greedy or chicken
Who's going to be able to afford a new car. Certainly none of the government people. I'm pretty sure most of their friends and family aren't going to buy them.
🦋Anybody noticing that KRASNOV 45 isn't wearing his shoe lifts anymore???? Also this would have been a good time for Leon to advertise his new motorcycle...just sayin..😌
Surely this is no different from Bill Clinton selling useless kitchen gadgets and Barack Obama selling time shares! It is a presidential duty to look after the population and quite reasonable that he has started it off with Elon!
Republicans are spineless cowards. If they truly believe the koolaid they’re drinking then stand up, hold town hall meetings and tell Americans that they are all in. Instead of being these bootlicker, cuckold, limp dick, hiding cowards that they actually are!
I really wanted to share this with a friend, but your account is set to only allow logged in users to view it. You’re losing a lot of visibility, and even potentially slowing the growth of the site.
Yet, he is in power & remains in power.
The gop is backing him up.
The maga-morons still worship him.
They will vote for him again.
He will still win (legally or not).
Americans need to take action!
They are governed by an idiot!
So who is the greatest idiot?
The sitting president trying to sell cars for his co-president on White House property!! How low can they go?? The convicted felon has turned us into a laughing stock in only a few months time!! #NotMyPresident #ConvictedFeloninChief #PresidentMusk #Elonald #Krasnov
A bargain price of $120,000 when most of magas can’t afford what they already have! With his cuts to snap and other benefits, they’re likely to be in a world of hurt along with seniors poor and other Americans! Selling cars on the White House lawn rather shocking!
I love the way they "owned the libs" this time. Buy an EV. Get rid of your polluting, gas guzzling, HUGE SUV and get a Tesla EV. Of course, we'll need to improve the infrastructure and build more charging stations, and help move the technology forward. But the libs will be crying you can just bet
we really do..we have a convicted sexual abuser doing a car commercial in front of the white house, with a south African nazi supporter that's trying dismantle our freedoms and rights .. unreal isn't it?
Ford, GM, and Stellantis should demand equal time with Trump selling their cars in front of the White House. And Trump should be required to purchase a car from each of them.
For any of our US members feeling exhausted by the rapist and Nazi, and the GOP black shirts. This might help for a minute. 'Which side are you on' https://youtu.be/fPj1-ppNJzo?si=bbMU_3D3xbhkL7nG
Idiotic trump and dump musk are more stupid than my doorstop. Don’t they fucking know that MAGAt don’t like EVs because they don’t believe in saving Mother Earth. Stupid is as stupid does!
yes.........just means somehow we have to be smart
think.. stay positive......when the time is right VOTE
still BELIEVE that is one way in a big way
vote in smart people with a soul and know kindness
i may be a dreamer..but i am not the only one. JL.👐💔☝️😇
Musk is currently interfering with the Wisconsin supreme court election, I think fair elections are gone until we get rid of all of the nazis. Get on your feet, get on the street. Let your voice be heard. Together we can make some serious noise.
And when the battery is almost out they will go to the gas station and spend an hour looking for the gas cap to fill it up while the battery dies and they have to leave it there to rot.
Join a protest!
Let's see, we are:
The Enemy Within
Radical Leftists
I'm sure Enemy Combatants is next.
3/17/2025 4:00
Next Monday, Join Us!
Tesla SW Macadam
#TeslaTakeDown #Indivisible.org
Tesler...wasn't that a band?
The best comedy is funniest because it's based in truth.
But it’s not 😡
I fear we do
And yes. We live in the dumbest times.
I would never buy a Tessler
This is Business 101.
An old crazy car seller!
It was the findingouttiest of times.
And Trump is too cheap to buy anything too. Elon gave Trump the EV of his choice.
Now, get off of X, get off of Facebook/Instragram, and get your asses off the couch and go to the store instead of ordering from Amazon.
But it's true and sad at the same time.
They lack the balls to vote for the cuts directly so they're trying to back-door them. Then next year "I voted for the funds - blame DOGE!"
The gop is backing him up.
The maga-morons still worship him.
They will vote for him again.
He will still win (legally or not).
Americans need to take action!
They are governed by an idiot!
So who is the greatest idiot?
"Tesla automobiles - drive up the future"
Idiocracy was a warning as a movie.
But if you ransack the US Capitol, 💩 on the walls, and try to hang the VP...
You're a patriot. 🙃
(As in slurring)
WHY WASN'T HE JAILED when they had the chance!
Yes we are. It’s so pathetic you have to laugh.
think.. stay positive......when the time is right VOTE
still BELIEVE that is one way in a big way
vote in smart people with a soul and know kindness
i may be a dreamer..but i am not the only one. JL.👐💔☝️😇
This lady worked 6 years at Tesla.
Listen to what she has to say.
Now that one if their own is having a hissy fit are now pro ev and helping the environment
The Daily Show gets it 😂😂