This was the year before he won the first election. He was in Saint John and I happened to hear he was going to be in the city market, so I wandered up to see if I could chat with him. He was great!
Such a cool opportunity for your granddaughter! I have your favorite photo as well but I thought I could only include 4 photos..🫠
Here are 3 more lol..
This is why the ball Cheeto puff is jealous of Canada. He can never compare not only in looks but in compassion and persona. This is why Melanie checks him out constantly.
You mean wicked witch of the white supremacists, don't think so. He's not mean, she needs to be insulted, ignored and given wads of money to sit and be quiet every now and then. She wouldn't know what to do with an actual hard dick, its been too long for her.
My friend Pat worked for Pierre Trudeau when Justin was a toddler. She had to hold him in her lap during a service at the National Cathedral. There's a long story of why she got this duty which is hilarious.
1. Here's the story. Pat was recruited to work for the Canadian government and did various roles at embassies in Europe. She once had her Italian sports car burned in a protest because the protestors thought she was American. They apologized! She met Pierre working late one night in Ottawa.
2. He had her moved into his office because of her skills. Anyway, sometime in the 70's the Canadian delegation came to the National Cathedral for some type of service. Justin's mother escaped from her minders and they couldn't find her. This is in the days before cell phones, etc. Pat had to keep
3. Is before cell phones. Pat watched the squirmy toddler throughout the service. Justin's mother was quite a drinker. She was found in a bar later by Canadian security. This was much funnier when Pat told it. She had many funny tales about the Trudeaus. She passed away from pancreatic cancer
🤣🤣🤣🤣 finally someone said this!! I was like make some stew and have some of us over for one of those book club meetings and a bunch of us could just sit at a round table and have coffee and talk! My idea might be a bit more G rated, 🤣🤣🤣
It is! Someone shared the original post. Also the sign move him (to the left of him) appears to have been in French, so I’m wondering if he was shopping in Montreal
Now that it can't ruin his political career I'm gonna go out of my way to hit that & treat him to the kinds of things that would definitely end a political career 😂 Top of my bucket list 🥰
I know....right? Along with Canada's natural resources Trump drools over, I think alot of his Canada is "nasty" to deal with comes from never getting over those widely circulated photos of Ivanka and Melania looking at the handsome Trudeau adoringly.
Trump knows Americans want what Canada has. A progressive government that cares for its people and their needs while trying to do its part for the environment and the planet.
You do deserve it! There is NO reason the US can't have universal health care and a decent minimum wage except that the very wealthy will have to pay their FAIR share.
I'm going to miss him. May or may not have had a segsy dream about him recently. No holds barred Trudeau is my type apparently.
I hope he sticks around in some manner.
The second one is with my granddaughter - she interned for a Lib MP one year.
Here are 3 more lol..
We have an Orange Blubberbutt wallowing in the Oval Office.
Spill! Tell us!
Melankia will have you disappeared! 🤣
And I'll say no more, I want to stay respectful 😂
##SlavaUkraini 💙💛
We'll leave it there for now.
He’s so fly…
And we Deserve them too!
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, c'est soir, monsieur Trudeau? S'il vous plaît?
Justin has to set up a new house and he was buying kitchen utensils. CT sells Household applicances, outdoor equipment and outdoor clothing.
“The weather today is calling for excessive moisture, back to the news desk.”
Now begone, back to Half-Witter.
Triggered much?
pretty damn good
Still laughing!
I hope he sticks around in some manner.
Nice "thread" with the panties theme!