Hurricane Katrina played an outsized role in my radicalization journey. Seeing how systems of power operate—esp at the expense of the vulnerable—should shape how we see the world. Disasters are not only produced by politics but, ideally help create a politics of transformation.
Reposted from
Max Kennerly
Natural disasters are intensely political, from climate change to housing regulations to infrastructure to emergency services to disaster relief. The efficacy of disaster prevention, mitigation, and rebuilding is 100% the result of "politics."
I was raised by radicals so I was already THERE, but that was the moment that I realized NO ONE WAS COMING and turned to that radical education.
Never be dependent on those who benefit from oppression.
My brain melted in horror. I've never really recovered to be honest.
We have all the resources to end these things just zero pilitical will. I don't want a persons suffering to be a tax write off or political theatre. Nor do I want a career in a field that shouldn't exist.
It really broke my brain to study in IDS that a lot of the aid provided actually allows gov'ts to neglect their own citizens and avoid solutions. Argh.