We're in London today with a big old bus to tell our Govt this country cannot afford cuts. Instead they should tax us, the super rich. A 2% wealth tax alone could raise up to £460mln a week. @Keir_starmer - invest in a fairer economy. Patriotic Millionaires say Tax Our Wealth
There are 165 billionaires in the UK. How much would a wealth tax raise?
Bearing in mind a million seconds is about 11 days. A billion seconds is about 31 years.
Do any of you have £10million?
No one begrudges your wealth. If you worked hard and earned it, well done, it's yours.
What's wrong is a system that funnels wealth to the few then refuses to tax them.
The best way to do that is to make the minimum wage the living wage and unshackle Trade Unions so that we can ensure our pay reflects the wealth our labour generates
yes a lot will not be liquid millionaires. And some will go through hoops to stop their families paying inheritance tax.
No wealth tax works
Get the super rich to pay their fair share not punish wealth
They want to invest in the country that's their home, and they can't.
Spain has 25 billionaires. Were they taxed? https://www.ncesc.com/geographic-faq/how-many-billionaires-are-in-spain/
I just signed the petition to to demand the Government tax the super rich to rebuild our NHS, schools, and other public services. Will you sign too? https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/tax-the-super-rich-to-stop-cuts-to-public-services-1?source=bluesky-share-button&utm_medium=socialshare&utm_source=bluesky&share=d681d607-45b6-49bf-adf0-7d05fd185a03
Attack likes of him instead of attacking vulnerable