it’s been a few years and a lot of stuff has come out— what are y’all’s favorite non-dnd/pathfinder fantasy game systems?
Preferably systems that have a similar mechanic structure / can support spell casting and combat (so not too rules lite) but hopefully also aren’t too complicated to learn?
Preferably systems that have a similar mechanic structure / can support spell casting and combat (so not too rules lite) but hopefully also aren’t too complicated to learn?
And I have have to agree with the #Daggerheart recommendation
Shadow of the Demon Lord/Shadow of the Weird Wizard are great if you don't want to get too far from a d20 system and want to get a little grim dark.
I might be biased though.
Apart from my own, I'd argue Dungeon World, though it's getting a 12-year facelift soon and has been improved upon in other games such as Chasing Adventure.
Tunnels and Trolls
The One Ring
Sanction (with a genre setup)
Dying Earth
“Did you see my friend kill those guys? Surrender & I’ll put in a good word.”
There is a free quickstart to go from levels 1 though 3 with a radical dungeon included!
Simply wonderful.