If folks are looking for less ancient examples of very high top marginal tax rates, one need only go back to 1963, when Donald Trump was 17 years old and America was (presumably) great the way it should be again, when the top marginal tax rate was 91%. Not a typo. https://taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates
e.g., additional $20,000 taxable income resulted in $600 more in taxes. ($20k x .03)
1960 75.0% > $100,000
1960 78.0% > $120,000
hardly a 78% rate
(Also, highest union membership.)
Taxes regulate the value of the currency & protect democracy
What they never understood: the top tax rate on a top tier balanced the economy to what they envisioned as 50s & 60s USA.
Is the picture enough of an explanation as to when we quit taxing the wealthy appropriately, then the nation and People suffer.
When did things change? When Reagan's "industrial policy" emphasized the "FIRE" sectors.