But I think it’s totally cool that Trump wants to micromanage the National Archives because obviously he and his people have tremendous respect for the historical record and what we can learn from it.
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One of the more Orwellian aspects of today's "conservatives" is that they have such a complete lack of respect for the actual history of the country they claim to love. They just make up or recirculate the most ludicrous stuff with zero sense of shame. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/p/senator-josh-hawley-tweeted-a-christian
Nothing any of these people on the right say or do is in good faith. Once you understand that basic point it’s rather easy to evaluate any of their claims with respect to fidelity to history, human rights, human decency or really anything within the realm of human behaviour or experience.
Goes back to when I was a kid & one of the nastiest old buggers you could ever find also knew just when to drop in a scripture quote or a ‘praise GOD’ to help close a sale
I once pointed out to an aunt that a quote in a meme was being falsely attributed to George Washington. She said she didn't care, because she like the quote. I suggested that beyond the irony of lying about a man who is revered for honesty, perhaps she should put the Actual author's name on it.
That's a great example of how many folks treat history like a form of confirmation bias theology. "Well, maybe he didn't say it, but he would have agreed with it," they say, never having read anything by or about the historical figure they claim to revere.
Reminds me of the time 2 people sitting behind me were talking about how the Founding Father's were geniuses, and they didn't put Income tax in the Constitution. We need to go back to the Original. 2 Women, 1 White,& 1 Black.
A prize is offered to the 1st person who finds something previously written by a MAGA that gets re written when Trump changes his mind, so that the old, previously written thing now agrees with the present
I know this is petty, but am I the only person that remembers the great liberal Senator E Warren voting to confirm John O Brennan as DCIA for Obama ?
or that odious treasury person Obama nominated ?
barely a drop of rain to Trump's hurricane, but still
Josh Hawley was a history major at Stanford. Mike Johnson went to law school. Both have had plenty of opportunities to learn about the founding era. Either their educations were so ideologically blinkered that they are easily snookered by fake founders quotes, or they are intentionally lying.
George Washington made it very clear what is essential for the United States to be an independent power. It would be helpful if citizens would be more familiar with realities of history instead of what they want it to be.
Law schools have conservative organizations within them, including the Christian Legal Society, and legal history was an elective, IIRC. Constitutional law did not focus on the founders, either—at least, in my experience. It was mostly discussing the evolution of SCOTUS jurisprudence.
Johnson could have gone through law school without learning much of anything about Jefferson. Any history books he may have read on his own were likely written by right-wing evangelicals.
They are both liars. They know they can tell the stupidest people stupid things. The first time I heard “alternative facts” I thought WTAF! Now we are in some kind of alternate reality.
One great irony of today's theocratic/GOP discourse about church and state is that the founding generation, whose world view they claim to worship and channel, believed that separating church and state was good because it protected *the church* from being corrupted by politics. [clears throat]
They've created a Bible out of history. The "founding fathers" are meant to justify everything they believe, and therefore must be infallible and inerrant — so if something the FF said or believe doesn't provide that justification, they have to make the necessary adjustments.
See, e.g., Glenn Youngkin shamelessly appropriating MLK Jr during his anti-CRT-based campaign, even putting up MLK Jr standees with speech bubbles at campaign booths.
Good point, I get your meaning now. It's interesting, though, because Henry IS a name that the more violent groups on the right are familiar with, which IMO was probably the reason Hawley name-dropped him for something promoting Christian Nationalism. Which is disturbing.
the article itself and is fascinating as the public’s anecdotal sense that we’re going back to the 50s - Hawley’s lack of professional research skills gives us a glimpse as to the originality of their vision. Thanks!
True, but I also think back on all the myths & apocryphal stories about the founding fathers that were taught to me as fact as a child & there’s an aspect of this that has always existed
They also have a complete lack of respect for the teachings of their oft-mentioned "Lord and Savior," as witnessed by their hatred and bigotry. Yet all we hear is about Christian persecution & how we are a becoming godless nation.
Thank you for sharing 🙏
Goes back to when I was a kid & one of the nastiest old buggers you could ever find also knew just when to drop in a scripture quote or a ‘praise GOD’ to help close a sale
nature of the prize is not specified
or that odious treasury person Obama nominated ?
barely a drop of rain to Trump's hurricane, but still
For a deep dive listen to Warren Throckmorton's excellent podcast "Telling Jefferson Lies."
Whatever connection they might have had to Jesus' teachings is LONG gone.
the article itself and is fascinating as the public’s anecdotal sense that we’re going back to the 50s - Hawley’s lack of professional research skills gives us a glimpse as to the originality of their vision. Thanks!
Hypocrites all.