The most important frontline of this war is the remaining balance of Putin's wallet. The thugs will abandon the battlefield when Putin runs out of cash. His economy is a house of cards only held up by the drawdown of his savings. His funds are running out & he can't borrow more. #EconomicFragility
Increase our support of Ukraine— help accelerate the collapse of the war criminals’ society while helping a friendly country. Why is the decision so difficult? Get it done! Fck Putin and those who support this criminal— especially those in the USA!
Russia’s economy is facing unprecedented challenges, as the war in Ukraine drags on.
Prices have soared and the central bank is expected to increase interest rates yet again this year. 😟
Putin's economy will crash long before he runs out of meat for his grinder. THAT is the REAL FRONTLINE. When he can't bribe the thugs, #RussiaFails the #UkrainianWar.
Russia's economy is the cannibal eating its own leg to stay full.
Kind of what I suspected anyway.
Keep in mind the last time Russia was in a major war was in the 1940s, and then it only survived because of massive amounts of help from western governments.
The impact on the Soviet economy of the invasion of Afghanistan in the 80s led to the collapse of communism. And that was a pinprick compared to what is happening at the moment.
The collapse started in the 1970's as the leadership veered between slightly more modern economic controls and the old guard who wanted to return to something closer to Stalinism, but Afghanistan certainly helped. Images of coffins from a war no citizen could understand didn't help.
Dictatorships are never very different no matter what they call themselves. Overt methods of control, attack of the 'other', pseudo-religious State doctrine, limited personal freedom, propaganda-press.
"(Craig Kennedy, Navigating Russia newsletter), argues that Western resources can surpass Russia's capacity to sustain a war of attrition against Ukraine...continued support for Ukraine and tougher sanctions, and rejects sanctions being lifted in exchange for a ceasefire."
This is the main reason why the Trump presidency should be stopped. You know Trump is going to get funds over to Putin--somehow. I presume they will launder funds through crypto.
It doesn't quite work that way as what Russia is doing is borrowing off the future by not maintaining infrastructure, education or health. Fixing these deficiencies will take decades, even if the War stopped today.
Inflation is another matter entirely and is very much an issue for today.
And they have a massive corporate debt bubble that might be getting ready to pop in a pretty spectacular way. If we stop supporting Ukraine now, it will be a massive gift to the imperialist waging a war of territorial expansion and conquest.
I sure hope that train has left the station. I imagine we'll cut funding for Ukraine, but I don't think we'll get significant interest in funding Russia minus the core maga
Poor PooPoo!
He brilliantly wrecks Russia and Ukraine because he had no idea how corrupt and incompetent the Russian Military was.
Do the nukes even work?
"Don't know your enemy and don't know yourself, then in 100 battles you are F____d!" - Sun Tzu
Prices have soared and the central bank is expected to increase interest rates yet again this year. 😟
Russia's economy is the cannibal eating its own leg to stay full.
I feel for RU citizens, but.
One can only hope it stops him.
Keep in mind the last time Russia was in a major war was in the 1940s, and then it only survived because of massive amounts of help from western governments.
"(Craig Kennedy, Navigating Russia newsletter), argues that Western resources can surpass Russia's capacity to sustain a war of attrition against Ukraine...continued support for Ukraine and tougher sanctions, and rejects sanctions being lifted in exchange for a ceasefire."
Crimea is Ukraine!!!
Inflation is another matter entirely and is very much an issue for today.