From late next month, primary teachers with a job offer from an accredited employer in the country will be able to apply for residency without first working for two years.
It comes after a warning from the Ministry of Education schools could be short 1250 teachers this year.
It comes after a warning from the Ministry of Education schools could be short 1250 teachers this year.
If it is really bad, we might actually have to move to Aus, even though we don't want that at all.
Does anything in that plan require them to be a teacher for a certain number of years?
Zero long term thinking
It's bad that the government failed to fund and train a suitable number of teachers, but it's good to make it easier for immigrants!
But I will give them credit for expanding the direct-to-residency program for teachers (maybe the first good thing they've done)
WHat C0ulD G0 wR0ng?!