He may have temporarily eluded the authorities, but with his face out there its only a short matter of time before he is captured. Unless he's already dead which I'd guess is a greater than 50% probability.
Not an equivalent, anti abortion activists are anti-human rights. Corporations that profit off of people not receiving healthcare are also anti-human rights. Hope the boot tastes good
"won't somebody think of the poor CEOs! The shareholders so badly need to profit off of people that can't afford healthcare" this is what you sound like. It was an act of self defense
Correct. It’s not even him. If you see the “Claims Adjuster … oh no you didn’t 🙃. And meanwhile if you post his picture it’s an insta block or mute by me.
MAYBE if the CEO deathtoll tops school kids, I MIGHT start having some sympathy.
Until then, every single one gets none.
Congrats, you're making the same arguments anti-abortion zealots made. Abortion clinic terrorism was not a high point in American history.
Your argument is the same as their argument. Killing a murderer who deserved it.