Ugh, all this over-regulation. How is one supposed to turn a profit if all your products have to clear such high bars like "not killing your customers"?
It only killed the weak who did not have the metabolic fortitude and tolerance to survive. And even among them it was only the fools who tried to play out of their league.
Caffeine powder add to Country Time Lemonade.
Boom! 💥 Awake for days!
Warning: You may experience some side effects like sweating, dizziness, anxiety, lose of feeling in your face, and you can taste your heartbeat.
May also cause explosive diarrhea and death.
The taste was sublime, it gave a mule kick when you were tired of coffee - and the lil plastic sign saying “please drink at your own risk” gave that frisson of excitement. Made you feel alive for a bit
Mikes Hard Lemonade still does that and I think it costs less. And provided you use it to that end, you’ll feel pretty good when you die…if not just check in with your local euthanasist tomorrow and they can remove your pain, happiness and existence, all at once and it seems the latter’s the goal.
And while we’re at it, where have the breakfast soufflés been? Don’t give me thousand calorie crack and then take it away once I’m good and addicted Panera, you monsters.
Won't somebody think of the economy?
don't get me wrong I still vacuumed it up but that was for the caffeine not the taste lol
Boom! 💥 Awake for days!
Warning: You may experience some side effects like sweating, dizziness, anxiety, lose of feeling in your face, and you can taste your heartbeat.
May also cause explosive diarrhea and death.
i tried a couple times but they were out haha.
made like 2 people with underlying heart conditions have a bad time,,,because they drank a large which was a shitload of caffeine
Now I want to write a haiku about laminate and potato soup
I can already imagine it:
“Laminate and Potato soup,
These are just a couple of my cravings.”
Panera bread is a Missouri company.
Manufacturer of a Lethal lemonade,