Former Tory MP Amber Rudd skewers the charlatan that is Boris Johnson in her review of his memoir Unleashed.
As bad as things were in the UK under Johnson, it’s clear that with his unsuitability for office it could have been significantly worse.
As bad as things were in the UK under Johnson, it’s clear that with his unsuitability for office it could have been significantly worse.
The cognitive dissonance is off the scale.
They knew his flaws.
Had they no sense of responsibility?
For the country?
For their constituencies?
So that's it. We got landed with Johnson as PM at the worst possible time because some Toryboys fancied a laugh at our expense.
True but then there was the massive fucking elephant in the room that was and is the disaster of Brexit & they *still* thought picking a totally unsuited & unsuitable narcissist as PM was OK.
A century later, Ali Kemal's great grandson set the sun on the British one too. ☀️From my perspective, the UK has already collapsed.
more like 'last picked for Dodgeball's, revenge'
As a narcissist, he will convince himself we are not worthy of his greatness.
Come back Jean Baudrillard, all is forgiven.
Their staff can hustle them to photo ops.
And they wear an ankle monitor showing where they are those 10 days.
Just so they have experiences to build empathy.
Jobseekers’ allowance that most people get.