it's insane tens of millions of people have to read bs comments made by a personality disorder guy everyday when they scroll down the time line. what's even worse is that the guy can manipulate the opinions of many just by changing the parameters.
Reports are that spacex also signing a 1.6 billion deal with italy to handle all their secure telecommunicationsYes I would say he is tying himself inextricably to many countries. Scary.
could this dude not become a world threat? Yes, I am serious! Especially teamed up with another asshole whose name I won't mention. Ah, what the hell. Donald J Trump
I know I was sitting around wondering what musks take was on the current political situation in the uk as well as various medical issues and everything else he knows nothing about and maybe he should stfu and go fuck himself in the face.
NIXON taught them to lie.
REAGAN, to dog whistle lies.
BUSH/Cheney, to lie really big.
FOX, to lie about their lies.
TRUMP, to lie incessantly.
MUSK, to tell the loudest lies in history using his platform.
PUTIN, to know the poison pen is mightier than the sword.
Also, think about the interference in Canada and UK politics, the "adding Canada as a state" and "buying Greenland" comments, tariff pressures and pains, Hegseth and "worlds sheriff" comments, removing the debt ceiling, Musk's constant communications with Putin and Xi... on and on.
Elon Musk...guess what, the people of the UK don't want you sticking your nose in our just f*ck off back to South Africa, where you belong.
I want to rule the world, but as a Fascist I feel that this can only be accomplished by goose-stepping up and down the street shouting at the neighbors.
Musk is a danger to democracies all over the world. This maniac needs to be stopped. Don’t ask me how. Personally, I’d like him to lose 99% of his wealth.
to me it looks like what E.Musk thinks he's doing, or can do, is become some sort of guiding light to multiple Gov'ts,
a wise & benevolent presence that any leader can turn to for advice on how the course might be steered or righted
thats the delusion he's under
& he's rich enough to manifest it
It’s ok. His ketamine use, poor health and eating habits and glaring undereducated comments will work their magic eventually. If his original mars landing date is any indication , I wouldn’t sweat his unacknowledged flaws. With that much ego, pride always comes before the fall.
Unfortunately,I don’t, either. For some reason, he seems to feel entitled to it. If money were the only measure of human validity, he might have a case, but it isn’t, he doesn’t.
Elon had billionaire brain disease for at least as long as I've been aware of him; but now he's lost his effin' mind cuz that sniff of power (T*'s gas) has made him higher than a kite.
It’s basically been his MO his whole career- take over something that someone else already established and built, stamp it with his name and take credit for establishing it, rewriting history, and then chaotically run it into the ground to serve his ego.
He's probably the next PUSA (remember you won't need to vote anymore), they only need to change the constitution, will thye have the numbers? Doesn't matter if they have the numbers, they will throw out the rule book, likely him or a T Rump spawn. They are fostering a dynastic rein based on grift.
Elon is a smarter more ruthless version of his Dad. He hates his Dad, so referring to him as his Dad will get under his skin. He is the cartoon villain.
The far right imbecilic movement feeds on greed, bigotry, hate, envy, gluttony, fear, misogyny every phobia known to humankind. They can’t stand even their own shadows. They bow to the ultra rich ignorant of their invisibility to them. It’s a pathetic faction of humanity. Karma will be cruel.
Maybe everyone just needs to block him if they don’t feed him the attention he needs to breathe maybe he would slink back under the rock he came out from under.
It’s also not hyperbolic to say that I want him to have an epiphany or a near death experience or whatever it takes so he becomes a Buddhist monk or withdraw to Mount Athos for the rest of his life, never to be seen or heard of again.
I think his brain is so broken that he doesn’t know what he wants.
He has boxed himself into a corner. His relationships with far right governments are all he has left. A functioning Elon would see why this is bad for business and any long term plans he originally had.
Musk: “…gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of arguments to malign an opponent and to glorify himself.”
This is Disraeli talking about Gladstone (two 19c British PMs) but fits surprisingly well.
At some point, some world leaders are going to have to make the choice. We have seen before this type of talk end up in violence and death to innocent people. Is one guy who starts trouble and insurrection through words and prodding of followers worth the security and stability of a whole country?
Someone needs to start making a list of all the issues Musk involves himself in. A couple of days ago it was about c-sections, everyday he’s an expert on something else
That won’t happen. His original thoughts are wacky. He can only use his money to buy others’ ideas and then exploit workers. Both are recipes for eventual failure.
#Musk has interfered in the US elections and now #Trump with a “wrap sheet” as long as your arm is going to be the world’s most incompetent leader ever. Surely that’s enough bad judgement for anyone even #Musk!
Musk is about a year away from being Americas first Super Villain. The stupid kind like a comedy villain. The one that has bunches of money but can't figure out how to own the world so he'll try to destroy it and end up blowing himself all to hell.
I see it. Rulers make horrible leaders. That’s why they demand obedience, rather than sow solidarity. trump and elon are proof, weak men are created in good times, and bad.
Nothing hyperbolic about that.
He thinks that his immense wealth gives him permission to control other people's agendas.
He is a fascist in the true sense of the word.
A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness.
He may be in that position. Those Starlink sats + his money and buying the pussy grabber president-elect certainly gives him a certain amount of, ah, leverage. He clearly feels empowered.
Go back to South Africa and stay there if you want to offer political counseling.......America does not want you nor need you......deport yourself from the WH NOW.
Musk is a Megalomaniac. It would be almost funny if it wasn’t totally terrifying. The man is a caricature of every evil villain in a cheesy movie. Unfortunately, somehow his insane greed has allowed him to become obscenely wealthy.
#ticktock 🪦
REAGAN, to dog whistle lies.
BUSH/Cheney, to lie really big.
FOX, to lie about their lies.
TRUMP, to lie incessantly.
MUSK, to tell the loudest lies in history using his platform.
PUTIN, to know the poison pen is mightier than the sword.
They create leverage with imagined, and real. economic pain which they created. Then sell their easy to understand "solution".
So crazy, it might work. Historical basis
All consistent.
Here is something we can ask for.... ban X in europe !
You are right. The social maintainance costs, emotionally, would be hideous.
- Jesus
a wise & benevolent presence that any leader can turn to for advice on how the course might be steered or righted
thats the delusion he's under
& he's rich enough to manifest it
The world needs to shut him down and take away his power.
Perilously unchecked.
He's not well. Maybe it's the ketamine, the Aspergers, or whatever, he's suffering a megalomaniacs' mania. Dangerous.
Elon is quite right. The people in the UK don’t want that government after it has failed to carry out its mandate.
That place is anywhere in outer space.
I love that these countries are telling him to F/off!
Musk's Starlink contracts state that users will abide by _his_ laws on any Mars colony he sets up.
He has boxed himself into a corner. His relationships with far right governments are all he has left. A functioning Elon would see why this is bad for business and any long term plans he originally had.
This is Disraeli talking about Gladstone (two 19c British PMs) but fits surprisingly well.
And he still wouldn't be able to tell a good joke.
Musk, on the other hand, wasn't elected to anything, yet is clearly calling the shots. That's dangerous.
Or at least the solar system.
He thinks that his immense wealth gives him permission to control other people's agendas.
He is a fascist in the true sense of the word.
His employees are obeying in advance, see Trump H1B reversal for reference.
He thinks he’s Hitler