Melanoma whatever , somehow came to the attention of this deviate. Suddenly, she's in the US to stay. Creepy people marketed her & Trump bought her. She was a naive, gullible, attractive young vulnerable woman. Not an intellectual giant..just attractive. But now: she knows, she knows the truth! once time, a naive, impressionable, gullible, opportunist so called model who became the biggest, most shallow, First Lady. She hates his guts, but doesn't have the integrity to tell him to fuck off
I was so sick yesterday I didn’t listen to the giant Yam talk. It appears I missed nothing but same. This is what I get for not masking. Dammit. I’m forgot how much it sucks to be sick.
Leave her out of it. Think about what he does in public and now think about what he probably does in private. Melania is the wrong target, respect a victim living with a narcissist abuser.
Really? She could have gotten off that gravy train the minute it was made public her husband was f*cking a porn star. She stayed on because she is also a narcissist and craves the adulation.
Sweetie, she’s NO VICTIM here! She has/had a choice to participate or leave! Didn’t you see her try to sell her Melania Coin? Think it’s worth about $3.00 now.🤣
She is always renegotiating her prenuptial. She’s Always looking out for herself and her son. She can do whatever she wants and spend money. She’s definitely bought and paid for.
Go fuck the felon and Putin, or should I say the Felon and Putin are fucking you! I feel sorry for your daughter and any other female around your sorry ass life. You must be incredibly unhappy and want to take it out on every female in the world. Poor baby. I guess mommy didn’t give you enough hugs.
Hahaha. The tolerant left. Yes. We live a horrible life in the upper class. Growing up with a mother who ran a large publicly-traded company was tough. My poor daughter is only able to golf, play tennis, and ski. All while being a 4.0 student at the toughest high school in our state. Oh woe are we.
Thanks for explaining why you are a MAGAT. I hope you can spend some time with the felon at mar a lago. Don’t let your daughter get too close to him. He likes the young ones. Melania is getting a little long in the tooth for him.
So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells alot about u kindly follow me
I won’t. I’ll tell her she’s a prop. I’ll tell her she’s a crypto scam artist. I’ll tell her she’s gonna be buried on a golf course one day. I’d ask what Putin got for selling her but we all know the answer. I don’t give a fuck about her clothes, though. Except that one jacket, but that’s old news.
I hate her as much as the next person, but I feel like there are more important things to criticize than the way she looks or her history of sex work. I understand the desire to lash out at evil people I'm whatever way will hurt most, but it just feels so... I dunno, hypocritical I guess
she is no longer an immigrant model and immigrant call girl anymore, just plain old, immigrant call girl living in the whore house, where everything has a price tag. #FUCKTRuMP
Dear Melodrama:
You've divorced yourself from wisdom
You've divorced yourself from reality
You've divorced yourself from the truth
You've divorced yourself from morals
You’ve divorced yourself from honesty or integrity
You really need to divorce yourself from Rump
Not with his laws, lol. My assumption of their marriage being fake however, comes from his pattern of the same type, marrying them to provide citizenship, but being yet another show put on for the masses when they actively hate each other. The unauthentic gestures and fake smiles are the giveaway.
But they opened the door when her husband calls women everything under sun: fat pig, dogs, slobs, disgusting, bleeding facelift, mentally impaired, nasty, dumb, f*cking bad, and the list goes on & on
Melanie w/her “don’t care” jacket & its only locker room talk
She knows and that's why she's now resorting to scamming "investors" who bought the $Melania coin issued two days before the Trump inauguration and are facing a wipe-out. Released at $131, the coin hit a high of $2163 on inauguration day. Investors can buy as many as they want now at $1.14.
seriously go watch the old classic movie soylent green
the detective starts a murder investigation of some rich prick whom had a live in like melania
they call them in the movie
its so wtf ya cant make it up but it goes that far back
She was never a model she was a porn actress... just to let you know there is a GILF section in porn hub so she still has that to fall back on when this gig goes south
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Melania's frumpy dress at the Altered State speech reminded me of this... it had that Russian grandma vibe... she is just marking time until he kicks the bucket... 😏
It was reported that Melanie’s father encouraged her to pose nude for magazines.
He’s the second male wearing a red-tie in this pic.
Like Daddy, like Daddy.
Also, she can have a great career as a movie villain.
all of us get older
How did that love triangle form long ago?
I was so sick yesterday I didn’t listen to the giant Yam talk. It appears I missed nothing but same. This is what I get for not masking. Dammit. I’m forgot how much it sucks to be sick.
Expose the creeps! 🤘💙😎
I’m totally kidding in case anyone takes that serious
You've divorced yourself from wisdom
You've divorced yourself from reality
You've divorced yourself from the truth
You've divorced yourself from morals
You’ve divorced yourself from honesty or integrity
You really need to divorce yourself from Rump
Yes. With his laws. He hasn't proposed anything that would restrict naturalisation based on having or not having a child.
I see where I went wrong here—I should have clarified and lead with that.
shes firmly in trump family where they feel attacked & said they hit harder
People feel justified in hitting back to name calling & criticism trump family give out on daily basis
It may not be ok but people are tired of taking the high road
But they opened the door when her husband calls women everything under sun: fat pig, dogs, slobs, disgusting, bleeding facelift, mentally impaired, nasty, dumb, f*cking bad, and the list goes on & on
Melanie w/her “don’t care” jacket & its only locker room talk
👀 she’s on the road to looking old
Of course they have AI now
She doesn’t say thank you enough.
and as it gets old and decrepit they toss it out and get new VERY YOUNG furniture
see soylent green movie for perfect example of how gop view women
30 years his junior.
the detective starts a murder investigation of some rich prick whom had a live in like melania
they call them in the movie
its so wtf ya cant make it up but it goes that far back
They deserve each other.
Or swallows
Or swallowed
All of the above
Is that what they call it? Pretty sure there's a better name for what she was doing 40 years ago.
He’s the second male wearing a red-tie in this pic.
Like Daddy, like Daddy.