The cuts to the VA are unacceptable and put our veterans at risk. These individuals have sacrificed so much for our country, and it is our duty to ensure they receive the care and support they deserve.
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It's not just doctors and nurses being cut. Retesting veterans to cut befits and denying obvious claims has started. HLR and appeals can add years to claims before the vet sees a dime. Testing and even lawyers rights may be drastically changed. Veterans are getting screwed with a jackhammer.
There has to be a nationwide shutdown protest. Take that protest to all State Capitols & a MASSIVE one in Washington DC that all traffic will be brought to a complete standstill
I'm Confident that the military, N.G. & Police will stand with you because of the mistreatment to the Veterans & the VA
Damn right. But for whatever f'ing reason, it's the Republicans who enjoy the title of "pro-Vets". For which it is mind boggling to me. For decades it's Democrats making concessions to get vets the care they deserve. It's Republicans threating no action unless they get them. Make it make sense.
We are only good to them when they need us to fight the wars they get us into. When we come back broken, they don't want nothing to do with us. It is absolutely despicable the way they treat us. WE DIDN'T ASK TO BE BROKEN, WE UPHELD OUR OATH AT THAT VERY EXPENSE!
Remember trump called our veterans losers and suckers and there is video evidence to prove it. The man would never be allowed to serve--he's a loser, a bully, a failure. And trump is the one that needs to be removed.
just can't help but wonder WHEN trump is going to 'notice' all that nice 'empty' space at Arlington. It's big enough for TWO 18 hole golf courses!! And a nice hotel/resort to go with them. He won't care about all those suckers and losers.... just plow it all under!
They didn't sacrifice four "our country." They volunteered to play soldier at the taxpayers' expense so they could go shoot brown people. We haven't fought a just war since WWII and haven't had a draft since the 1960's. Also, over 60% of them voted for this.
A new VAMC care issue. I had an appointment a few days ago where my Dr alluded to me to cancel my migraine injections so that the treatment he thinks I need can get approved through the new “formulary.”🤬
Yeah but you know who is partially responsible for this? 60% of Veterans who voted for that POS! FAFO! They should've known from the first time that he doesn't care about them. Had time feeling sorry for them. I do feel sorry for the other 40%.
I support this. And for veterans who do not think democrats have your best interest, I’m a Democrat and not a veteran. Thankful for your service and hope that this new government keeps the promises we all have made.
How hard is it to understand that Trump wants revenge for his 2020 loss on the American people while fulfilling his orders from Putin to sow chaos disrupt, dismantle and then destroy America. Please look at the bigger picture! It should be becoming clear by now with his "Not Crazy Actions."
Too bad 70% of veterans voted for this piece of shit traitor. You might get a little more sympathy. I tried to put a roof over every homeless Veterans head for $900 million and it was shot down by a Republican. Farmers too. Vote against your own self interests. Good lesson to learn.
We are in this position because of lies spread by conspiracy theorists, racists, bigots and nationalists who weaponize religious freedom to attack innocent communities. You need to divest. Stop giving #meta #airbnb #X #tesla #musk #maga #prime #amazon #uber
Define a veteran though. If you were drafted and sent to war in the Vietnam era then yes.. i.e. the cook at Camp Pendleton that milked his benefits for 20 years in Southern California doesn’t count as a vet in my book. They enlisted for the job and benefits.
Some gave all, all gave some, they protected us from danger. Isn't it time to pay them back for them willing to sacfifice everyting for us? Yet this administration treats them like shit, and I'm not sure the reason, but I think Trump hates people who do things he lacks the balls to do himself.
I've been asked why I don't use my VA benefits.
To me it is very simple.
I don't need them, as I have other options, but millions of veterans do, so mine are there for them.
I mentioned the above because as you note, when many of us don’t need the benefits we don’t use them. Even so, you never know how old injuries & exposures might affect you later in life. It’s important those benefits are there when you need them. That time can be different for every veteran.
I don’t use my VA health benefits now. I may need them in the future but for now I’m covered through my job.
And many other veterans need their VA benefits. They signed the same contract as I did when joining, and VA benefits were part of that contract.
They are not conservative though. They are right-wing radicals. Or reactionaries.
‘Conservative’ means something entirely different, and would make these people froth at the mouth and scream.
Conservatives brought us here.
Hoover shaped conservative politics from the shadows for decades. Then Nixon, Reagan, Bush x2, and the Turd. Always pushing the line further towards righteousness. Righteous profits and oppression.
This has been the long game, and corporate Dems followed along.
Oh, sure their political ancestors may have been actual conservatives. But today the Republican Party in the US is NOT conservative. They can claim to be conservative if they want to but they do not match that description.
Yes that's true. However,the invasion of Iraq was a corporate takeover of Iraq's oil by Bush/Cheney under false pretenses and so they could raid our Treasury for Cheney's former companies. Once we knocked off Osama bin Laden, we should have left Afghanistan.
A good portion (not all) of veterans voted for Trump and project 2025 which was clear on where he stood. I believe vets should be honored but if they voted for him no sympathy. They didn’t realize they were part of DEI. Sad for those that didn’t vote for him.
It breaks my heart to see what Trump has unleashed on your public sector. I can grieve for you as grieve for my own country because of these vile unfeeling maga.
It is our duty to support our brave veterans. They and their families have sacrificed so much for this country and we treat them like absolute shit. We need to do better for them. Trump and Musk have no concept of what it takes to stand up for your country.
This is a terrible graphic to use depicting US soldiers as many of the figures in the graphic are wearing non-US uniforms. Good message....horrible graphic.
If any person alive today thinks that the Republican Party has ever cared about Veterans they are fucking FOOLS. They have never cared. They have used them for fodder to be thrown away like garbage.
Yet I tried to persuade four couples not to vote for him at early voting in November. I had to finally turn away with a "You'll see". I was sad that they did not understand their oath to the constitution and voted for an insurrectionist, document stealing traitor. Wives for a rapist.
Let’s not call this a failure of governance. Oh no, this is governance as a weapon. It’s not an accident that the economy is in freefall that global tensions are escalating, or that democracy is being treated like a piñata at a dictator’s birthday party.
I read that Musk cut off the money paid to the companies that sterilize the VA's medical equipment. Which means no invasive procedures or surgeries can be performed. This is pure evil;
Musk and the felon are abominations.
It’s shameful! Poor folks end up sacrificing (either all the way or some) for a chance to go to college & the rich get bone spur Dr. excuses when a draft is in place or play in college & then land in a silver spoon position if not. It’s about socioeconomics but our politicians divide us!
I’m sure that my WWII navy veteran dad and my Korean War army veteran FIL are rolling in their graves right about now. Our veterans deserve so much better than this.
WW2 veteran father. He served in Germany. WW1 veteran grandfather. He's buried at Arlington. None of us would be here without their service and sacrifice. FUCK THAT LITTLE BITCH-ASS ORANGE BASTARD!
Republicans in Congress are the ones betraying not only our vets, but also our entire country. They are abdicating their duty to the Constitution and the American people by giving their power to a dictator and his crazed jester.
Well seems like he’s pissing off the people who actually have the guts to act, our heroes sworn to protect and defend the constitution and our nation against enemies foreign and domestic. It’s sad that it came to this and that a lot of Vets voted for him.
Jack remember DJT said they are all LOSER’S and still got elected? Depopulation by mean’s of sacrificing the poor, elderly, disabled and Vet’s. Make America Great again by mean’s of destroying what AMERICA stand’s for.
Perhaps seeing this catastrophe with their own eyes will be the wake-up call many red and purple voters need to start voting blue to protect their self-interests.
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
The plan is to strangle the resources & lifelines for the sick & elderly. Strangle their bank accounts & access to food. The wealthy can afford healthcare & access to it, they can afford the cost of food & access to it. Their plan is a country where only the wealthy survive. Cruelty is the point
My dad is an Army Vietnam Vet and has Parkinson’s. What Elon and Trump are doing to the VA will mean my dad’s benefits, IF HE GETS THEM, will be less or non existent and will make visiting the VA hospital incredibly difficult due to understaffing. We don’t even know if he’ll get in home care now.
US adult population is 277 million. Trump had 77 million votes.
So there are 200 million to stop this madness.
3 of you against 1 of them.
This fascist won’t stop, it will only get worse and worse.
You got to stand up, rise above yourselfves and march!
There is no respect for the service or veterans in this administration:
All mention of a
Medal of Honor recipient
who had thrown himself
on a grenade to save his unit
was removed
when Hegseth discovered that
he was not White:
According to our orange-hued god, they're suckers and losers. He doesn't like losers. Besides, they're has-beens--and can't do anything for him. He likes present warriors--the kind he can pardon for war crimes.
My neighbor who has American Flag across the whole side of his house ! And goes and puts flags on graves of each person in the cemetery! Just said to me when I asked what he thought of cutting VA and maybe closing V A hospitals? I quote F—k VETS! They are milking US! I ask how many tours U DO? 0!
Agree! It’s time we take to the streets. We did it when we were young—Viet Nam, Equal Rights, Civil Rights, Student movements, gay rights. Are you just going to sit and let DJT take our grandchildren’s futures away? 1946 to 1964–get out there!
My brother-in-law moved in with us over 8 years ago and can’t be on is own.
He is a Army Veteran in his late 70’s
They are treated terrible
According to exit polling from The Washington Post, 12% of voters served in the U.S. military. Of those, 65% say they voted for, Trump while 34% said they cast a ballot for Vice President Kamala Harris.
It should be crystal clear to all, that Trump's traitorous deception and betrayal of The People can result in the fall of this nation. His motivation is one of greed and corruption. He has allowed a Nazi to buy his election and dismantle our Democratic and financial system. We must rise up!
I should get to choose where my hard earned tax dollars go...cuz our so called government has no clue how to allocate funds for the important stuff that actually matters
Thank you. The reading indicates he's causing mental stress but the funding is still there, for the moment at least.
Did I comprehend the article correctly ?
I stand with the vets. If you don’t believe in taking care of the people that have put their lives on the line and defended our country then get the fuck out of it.
#resist our entire MILITARY needs to walk off the job in protest to their turd in chief. care for our vets is not optional. care for our active personnel is not optional. these people are sacrificing every thing for our country and the orange despot.
When the Conservatives got in here in Canada, after cuts to Veteran's Services, Prime Minister Harper said, "We have no moral obligation to veterans," Cons are the same everywhere
Problem is most Veterans voted for Trump. I have them in my own family. Unfortunately I believe they need to feel the pain before they wake up and realize what this administration really is!
When I learned that some Maryland state retired employees have better benefits than our vets my effin blood boiled and still…
Our veterans risked their lives for ppl they didn’t and don’t even know HOW can a raggedy ass state employee have better healthcare than our Vets??…I HATE THAT!
A country where veterans beg is not worthy of existence.
People hide behind the backs of those who are then spat on from above. It shouldn't be like this.
I think more and more that old man Hеinlein was right.
Don't you defend the country? If you don't do any good, then you don't vote.
MAKE the CALL 🇺🇸
I received a VA Med pack in the mail today, the problem it’s a duplicate refill I received last week, there is a problem at the VA Pharmacy, that is 2X in the last 3 weeks, they have never done that in the 12 years I have used them, I have never had a problem, double the med might mean no more meds?
They don't accept 'bone spurs' as a reason for a Military pension and they don't like cowardly little cunts like donnie who's "own personal Vietnam" was "realizing Women's vaginas are like landmines" so he somehow made it through the madness that was Vietnam with only Syphilis, a minor wound.
I'm Confident that the military, N.G. & Police will stand with you because of the mistreatment to the Veterans & the VA
I have
Sadly I think too many voted for the orange king. Veterans as well.
To me it is very simple.
I don't need them, as I have other options, but millions of veterans do, so mine are there for them.
Also, healthcare is a right!
#EatTheRich #EndTheOligarchy #PlanPrepareResist
Many come to rely on VA Healthcare. For me it was 20 years before I needed it. For my father-in-law (a WWII POW) it was 45 years before he needed it.
And many other veterans need their VA benefits. They signed the same contract as I did when joining, and VA benefits were part of that contract.
But just like Social Security and Medicare, which we have paid into for decades, nothing is sacred to these money hungry scumbags.
Honestly, conservatives have cut benefits for decades. The Turd is just using a buzz saw instead of a razor blade to make his cuts.
‘Conservative’ means something entirely different, and would make these people froth at the mouth and scream.
Hoover shaped conservative politics from the shadows for decades. Then Nixon, Reagan, Bush x2, and the Turd. Always pushing the line further towards righteousness. Righteous profits and oppression.
This has been the long game, and corporate Dems followed along.
My 19 yo cousin died needlessly there.
Visit their Reddit at the bottom of the flyer and visit and ✊🏼✊🏼
Musk and the felon are abominations.
Perhaps seeing this catastrophe with their own eyes will be the wake-up call many red and purple voters need to start voting blue to protect their self-interests.
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
Musk wants to kill off people because he thinks they live too long and it messed up the breeding cycle.
Because he's a SICK FUKK.
And yes, he's actually said this.
Thank you
They can have it.
Ain't 'Murika 'ceptional?
He is a draft dodger who called those gave who gave the ultimate sacrifice “suckers and losers”
FXCK this guy.
Veterans should be pissed.
So there are 200 million to stop this madness.
3 of you against 1 of them.
This fascist won’t stop, it will only get worse and worse.
You got to stand up, rise above yourselfves and march!
All mention of a
Medal of Honor recipient
who had thrown himself
on a grenade to save his unit
was removed
when Hegseth discovered that
he was not White:
America has conducted many wars that are difficult to justify, but it’s not the fault of the Vets.
I’m OUT of fucks to give
They can go straight to hell
“ I read the news today oh boy.”
My brother-in-law moved in with us over 8 years ago and can’t be on is own.
He is a Army Veteran in his late 70’s
They are treated terrible
According to exit polling from The Washington Post, 12% of voters served in the U.S. military. Of those, 65% say they voted for, Trump while 34% said they cast a ballot for Vice President Kamala Harris.
….I’d let them fight this one for themselves.
Calling all military members, there is plenty of room on our side!
Did I comprehend the article correctly ?
Our veterans risked their lives for ppl they didn’t and don’t even know HOW can a raggedy ass state employee have better healthcare than our Vets??…I HATE THAT!
People hide behind the backs of those who are then spat on from above. It shouldn't be like this.
I think more and more that old man Hеinlein was right.
Don't you defend the country? If you don't do any good, then you don't vote.
MAKE the CALL 🇺🇸
At the same time, the US prepares to face a challenger, which exceeds the USSR as a challenge & worse one, which is allied to the former USSR.
It's a bipartisan US elite decision to cut costs.