Because they HATE veterans.
Reposted from
isn’t a billionaire or a white billionaire to be exact!
Tenéis muestras con todas vuestras guerras a la vuelta solo desprecio y abandono...
In this case, go for it.
Fear is the only language these spineless toads understand.
For Repubs, Vets are leeches, especially if heavy users of VA care, you know from being injured in service to the country.
Aren’t they super flexible?
How can you be apathetic about people that are willing to become disabled or die to protect you?
So she Didn't do it for the veterans 🤔
She was too busy thinking about getting reelected?
You don't know much about her then!
We know Republicans control everything
I still don't know what they can do!
That’s what they think
They use you as tools
To take us to the brink
They disrespect everything
We stand for
It’s against them
We must go to war
#resist #barsnotwars
Bonespur President
I’m reading “The Women”which is about the nurses, and other women who weren’t even considered veterans!
It was a horrible era ✌️
This is Putin's agenda.
I am one that did not.
Stand up for the Constitution not tyranny
Military is a prop for them; looks good to the also-fake "patriots"
Can we email Trump Voters directly?
Veterans are spent bullets. Of no further use.
It’s as if the parties have completely switched their military ideologies.
The Republicans can never be allowed to forget this.
When I think of the wars these Republicans put veterans through
Watch the questions then come from get Americans about why the Republicans represent themselves as pro-Veteran, when in fact, they are not.
I lost my PCP at my local clinic after 20 years.
The Christ I know healed the sick, fed the hungry, gave sight to the blind, taught us to take care of widows & children, that what we do for the least of our brothers we do unto Him, & forgive others so we can be forgiven.
Republicans do the opposite.
Please respect my right to be a believer.
Sincere thanks for your service. 🇺🇸
I believe churches should pay taxes.
I believe the mentality that used religion to harm others in the past is the same mentality inflicting harm on others today, except on steroids.
I believe atheists see the hypocrisy in religion & want none of it.
The same party that is all for capitalism until their "too big to fail" companies need a bail out.
This party is for anything that benefits them and will dispose of them after they get what they want.
I worry for the constitution.
So use the military to get rid of these cunts.
Trump is a man-child, a fool, and a buffoon, not a leader or deal maker.
He's being played by Putin, whom Trump thinks is his friend. Instead, Putin is laughing at the ease with which he can manipulate the Mango.
I'm not against charities, but, veterans should NOT have to depend on them.
"I don't get it. What was in it for them? Suckers and losers."
mom I told Danny to stop picking on Fred, but then Danny and his friends called me a poopy butt so I ran straight here to tell on them!!!!!
America is very over it.
They need to have a turn on the front line in the Ukraine. Of course not one would even get through boot camp.
All lies, of course.
They don't read or watch news.
If they do, it is FOX news.
Talk about fair weather friends.