And it always has been a big part of the GOP. Now their gloves & masks of sanity are off and they are out to slash & burn our country & environment to reap as much personal wealth as possible in as short of time period as possible.
I'm old enough to remember when the Hudson River was an open industrial sewer. Raw sewage from all the big cities along the river. Heartbreaking. Smelly. Toxic.
See the thing about pollution, it always stays in the areas it’s generated because unlike other things in our water and air, it’s completely immune to currents and gravity. It has never been found in deep in an underground water supply. I can’t wait for my organs to rot.
It's a little like the Twilight Zone where the aliens have a book titled, "To Serve Mankind". It turned out to be a cookbook.
MAGA turns out to refer to our pre-revolutionary monarchy.
Yes. Racists and fools. Luckily, they can’t reproduce (I wish) so they don’t have to worry about the impact on their grandchildren of their destruction of the planet.
This @vanityfair article on Thiel/Yarvin from 2022 is long but seems to mirror a lot of what is happening right now. if you don’t want to read it have Safari or Google read the article for you.
This! And Dems should be calling this out now and bringing it into the open. Say he plans on doing x,y,z so that at least when he does it they can go, “see we told you!” Somehow they need to distinguish themselves as the party to trust
They will blame it on us Dems no matter what. This vote is not performative. We are in a war between democracy and authoritarianism. Wake up. Start fighting back. Take a risk that will be applauded and supported by all Dems. Show us your spine and we will fight for you as never before.
Clean Water Act, effective Oct. 1972.
It worked.
But also systemic racism
Here in #Michigan our environmental agency, EAGL, had to be sued for allowing and failure to prevent toxic fumes from a Chrysler plant.
Under what was once a Democratic mayor and the current Democratic governor and when Democrats completely controlled the state.
MAGA turns out to refer to our pre-revolutionary monarchy.
Never forget; The pain is the point.
So, yes.