Republican playbook: to deflect from their criminal, fraudulent deeds and policies, Republicans accuse others of what they do. Republicans are a hazard to our wellbeing.
It’s really funny. It’s depressing. It’s a never ending parade of the worse humanity has to offer. Republicans, protect your children from, Republicans.
I need a spreadsheet to keep up with all the child molesters. Remember this asshole? This was just a week ago. Do they still call themselves the family values party?
The head of the snake. The root of what we're experiencing right now, is this man. He may be quietly in the background, but his published words have inspired millions to act to where we are now. Very dangerous man for America.
Curtis Yarvin sounds like the kind of guy who's convinced he's a genius in his own mind because he does a whole lot of thinking by himself without the benefit of any sounding board for sorely needed reality checks.
3 2 1 Trump, “I didn’t know the man” Wonder what Mitch’s will say about this person. The old geezer digs a ditch for someone else I be damn he fell into it himself. Karma, is wonderful.
We need to keep a running tally of these PDF files (with receipts) for every time they try to accuse progressives, Leftists , and Democrats of being PDF files.
How can there be SO many of these motherfuckers out there?! I always tell myself it's just 1% and just sounds like more because we're zillions in population... Still, just floors me
92 ordinary men raped an unconscious 65 year old French woman because her husband drugged her and asked them to.
It's the banality of evil.
The Atlantic article about DNA testing revealing the prevalence of 1st degree incest father/daughter. Those are just the cases that resulted in pregnancy.
This is my take on men:
"If they CAN sexually abuse a woman or child and get away with it, most will."
But I could be prejudiced. I was sexually abused by a family member aged 6 to 11. Also I worked with adults abused as children by family. It's so damn common!
I'm sorry for your pain. It is horrifyingly more prevalent than people like to acknowledge. We are told the bogeyman is a stranger & a hidden cabal when the truth is that most abusers are related to the kids or are very close to the family. They are the ones with Access.
Tears. I imagine I was "that" close as a 6 year old. Just happened that Mom's second husband / marriage exploded on her. He left. She was "okay" except for her lifelong PTSD paranoia and her need to over protect us. Saved my 6 mo. old sister and I from her slimy father and probable abuser.
It's heartbreaking 💔 children should be safest with those closest to them but often are not - especially in communities that are insular.
The ghost rapes of Bolivia is another terrible example of that. The women & children are trapped.
I’m not aware of any study that tracked political parties, but apart from family members, the professions most represented are religious industry, LEOs, and school employees
This is what has held the power for centuries and this is why they are fighting so hard to keep it because they want to continue their filthy twisted lives unthwarted but guess what, fuck that.
Aren't we beginning to wonder if everybody connected to the current president is guilty of sex crimes & every other kind of crime & that's why they think he's great? Either that or they're scared he will blackmail them!
EVERY projection is a CONFESSION with these narcissistic sociopaths. They're PURE EVIL. I hope people wake up and realize this isn't just a political crisis. We are under a spiritual MALADY caused by letting evil into the highest offices. There is a war to be fought , spiritually, too.
Who is Tim Nolan ?
Kentucky campaign chair for the Donald Trump, klansman who was found guilty of 21 counts of child-sex trafficking and human trafficking and sentenced to twenty years in prison,
But, but, but it's the drag queens reading to children in libraries that are the threat! Not district judges using their position to force sex for favorable rulings! GTFOH.
Every time you hear a Maga or their King the Tangerine Imbecile accuse the Dems or any dem of some illegal shit, THEY are doing it themselves. Simple projection, nothing more or less.
Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers propaganda chief, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it they will come to believe it.” Seams history is repeating and the MAGA CROWD bought it hook line and sinker. Smooth move there dip shits.
Trump was a good friend of Epstien's , they ate dinner together regularly at Epstien's NY MANSION - where E abused teenage girls , when the police raided it there were 100s of pics of teenage girls , some semi naked , some naked , some were framed on the walls.
The accusation that Democrats were pedophiles seemed to come out of no where. Apparently, it came from conservatives who were making up people worst than them so they could feel justified that what they were doing wasn't as bad as what the 'others' were doing.
In this day and age I just assume that every registered Republican is a pedophile or toyed with the idea. Shit crossed the statistical regression to the mean long time ago.
You can say that again Mr. Trump.
Start at the top. Include con men.
I didn't think so.
I believe it was a created movie.
They have to justify the amount of money they just rec'd approval for from government funds.
Con Men!
A propaganda movie - meant to instill fear
MAGA, whoever they are, should realize that Trump is going to fund AI for Musk to have a data center. 500 billion dollars.
Musk is harming society bc he believes he can run our government with AI.
Read about Balaji and the piece he did with New York Times.
He's dead.
His name is Mitch.
And on various related crimes, too. Like violent rape.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Every accusation a confession.
Take your pick.
It's the banality of evil.
The Atlantic article about DNA testing revealing the prevalence of 1st degree incest father/daughter. Those are just the cases that resulted in pregnancy.
She had another child at 10 years old 😭
Jesus fucking wept
Jesus fucking wept
I second that
"If they CAN sexually abuse a woman or child and get away with it, most will."
But I could be prejudiced. I was sexually abused by a family member aged 6 to 11. Also I worked with adults abused as children by family. It's so damn common!
The ghost rapes of Bolivia is another terrible example of that. The women & children are trapped.
Horrifying the school employees are up there
Like seeks like!
Every accusation is a confession!!
Every time these fuckers accuse us of vile shit, or really anything, they are CONFESSING to their own vileness!!
What if he were forty?
To project from themselves onto others
This guy is quite confused
Maybe Dt can pardon him
Every single time.
These fucks? It’s a requirement.
Does this mean everyone who is raping women and girls, committing fraud, treason, theft, ... should start running for presidency?
Kentucky campaign chair for the Donald Trump, klansman who was found guilty of 21 counts of child-sex trafficking and human trafficking and sentenced to twenty years in prison,
He's Donald Trump's Republican Party.
See my blog post on Tim Nolan,
Besides this kakistocracy and kleptocracy, a byproduct of FAKE47 is all the criminals running loose......
They all belong in jail with tRUMP
They move THEIR SPOTLIGHT to others.
W/these ppl every accusation is a confession.
Watch what THEY DO, NOT what THEY SAY-RM
What GOP say is always a confession
Maga delenda est!
“Hold on,brother rapist, I’ll save you” says the POSFOTUSMF
Just Like fRump 😏
-Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany
I am certain trump did far worse than shown in that pic but using fake pics doesnt help
When someone like that throws outrageous accusations around reflect them back.