meloni would put his whole ass into that. you don't need to prosthetic the eyes, you just tell him to get into psycho stabler zone. and he can hold his head and neck so they look like a solid line. tucci's just got to let his hair grow out about three months and drink tons of sleepytime tea on set
I feel like a couple more second tier muppets could really round this out. Michael Shannon as Sam the Eagle. John C. Reilly as Lee Zealand. Sacha Baron Cohen as the Swedish Chef.
I also wanna say I don't see SBC's shape or energy fitting with the Chef. I'm sorry, I don't want to be too negative. Ironically I think Reilly's better as the Chef, if you were just going with these guys. Look, the important thing is that Rowlf the Dog is played by Hurley from Lost.
Stanley Tucci and Chris Meloni plus Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Brothers switched at birth then reunited in... An oily, well lit wrestling ring.
Just sayin', I'm a member at like 5 libraries in my state (Ohio) and as long as you're a state resident you can get a card, usually online. I have gotten one in every county I have tried.