Canada should now do what many have suggested to hit back against the US with non-tariff measures: jailbreak all American tech and stop enforcing US copyright in Canada.
In Canada, it's legal to make personal use copies of anything you want, but it's illegal to bypass the DRM in order to do so.
I have to get back in to this stuff. I'd given it up as a lost cause, but I see new opportunities.
Each one teach one
do it do it do it 🥰
That, and the equivalent of eminent domain on critical patents, is what's being proposed. (The same eminent domain that the US used to override Canadian patent on a key component of the mRNA COVID vaccine.)
Could be good
*As I recall*, the free trade act between US and CA don't prevent either party from declaring a patent critical to national security and forcing licensing terms on the patent holder.
Violation of copyright but not in the criminal code.
After all, Canada is NOT a territory of the USA, and the USA has been negligent when it comes to enforcing the copyrights of other nations.
It’s legal in our charter and international courts. It should be step 1 imo
We could lawfully expropriate their patents. Here is how.
This stupid tariff war is going to kill my daughter. I don’t have $584/mo.
I hate him with every fiber of my being.
(Brasil did this last year with X)
And steal our tech talent.
Make your own Silicon Valley.
The 18F people are freed up, as well as laid off Meta and Google Engineers.
Please poach them. Our shitty spineless US companies don’t deserve good, smart people.
Only the most hardcore of the magats would want to assist against Canada in any way. And let’s just say there’s not as many of them in that specialized of a field, I expect.
And even then that’s a (small) minority